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nameInfiltration Wetlands for Effluent Management
Speaker 1Scott Jernigan
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Scott Jernigan is a Senior Project Manager with Jacobs in the Pensacola Office. He has completed wastewater treatment planning and design projects along the Gulf Coast from Texas to the Florida panhandle. He is currently working on effluent management projects that include infiltration wetlands, public access reuse, and rapid infiltration basins.

Abstract Text

As effluent disposal regulations become more stringent, new effluent management alternatives must be identified to meet these new standards.  Infiltration wetlands have proven to be a successful alternative for meeting the needs associated with disposal of treated effluent.  These wetlands are generally constructed facilities that provide multiple social and environmental benefits.  Infiltration wetlands can provide additional treatment by removing remaining BOD and reducing nutrient loads in the effluent.  These facilities provide excellent habitat for a variety of flora and fauna and many of them have been constructed as passive recreation areas to encourage public access.  This presentation will cover the basic design considerations for infiltration wetlands, identify typical nutrient reduction levels, and highlight case studies where they have been successfully implemented.