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nameSewer Condition Assessment and Prioritization in a Digital World
Speaker 1Courtney Kennedy
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speaker1_phone(610) 966-2385

Courtney is a water resources engineer and an Engineering Technology Specialist with jacobs with over 24 years of experience. She specializes in solution development, data integration, condition assessment and risk analysis of sewer and stormwater networks, database design, programming and has experience in watershed analysis. Courtney was a founding designer and the developer of Jacobs Argon solution (for sewer and stormwater management) as well as Jacobs’ ACES software (for risk assessment). She has developed many types of solutions for utilities, from long-lasting, complex solutions (e.g. web applications designed to collect, manage, and analyze field data) to simple solutions (e.g. simple data integration and QC queries designed to synthesize and QC numerous software packages’ data). She has provided asset management and condition assessment services to various municipal clients for water/wastewater projects across the country. She is a licensed engineer with a BS in Environmental Engineering from Cornell University and a MS in Environmental Engineering from University of California, Berkley.

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Speaker 2Kimberly Michael
speaker2_organizationCity of Tuscaloosa
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speaker2_phone(205) 248-5890

Kimberly is the Executive Director of Water and Sewer for the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She has served with the City since 2007, most recently as the Associate Director of Logistics and Asset Management. She holds a Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Alabama.

Abstract Text

As we continue to progress towards a more digital world, the process of assessing and prioritizing our sanitary sewer systems must evolve with it.  With the need to perform a higher quantity of assessments and prioritize the actions to address defects in order to stay ahead while at the same time dealing with an increasing need and strain on our budgets, the industry needs to capitalize on and implement newly available digital tools.  Jacobs has been assisting the City of Tuscaloosa since the mid-2000's tackle their sanitary sewer assessment and rehab challenges.  The City continues to face the daunting challenging of managing the field data collected, prioritizing asset conditions, and developing rehabilitation, maintenance, and reinspection plans for their sanitary sewer infrastructure.  As the industry has evolved, so has our partnership, utilizing prioritization tools such as Argon, formerly known as SCREAM, to manage the City's aging infrastructure. Based on field data, Argon's calculates the conditions score, estimates asset's remaining life/calculation risk score, recommends actions, creates a list of recommended, scheduled work orders, and estimates cost of repair, replacement, and/or rehab.  The suite of tools has recently been enhanced with the roll-out of DragonFly which takes the assessment of CCTV video data to the digital world, relying up on artificial intelligence to process data to identify sewer defects and track and analyze locations/severity. DragonFly reduces time to code CCTV video, improving consistency, and reduces cost.  Partnered with Argon, DragonFly provides a digital solution turn CCTV video into recommendations quickly, consistently and efficiently.  Presentation will highlight the history of the City's program, effectiveness of using prioritization tools, and opportunities to further utilize digital tools to do more with less.