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nameUpdate on Working Around a Leaning Elevated Water Tank
Speaker 1Jason Dearing
speaker1_emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
speaker1_phone(205) 987-7411
speaker1_repEngineering Consultant
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Speaker 2Laura Koon
speaker2_organizationAlabaster Water Board
speaker2_emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
speaker2_phone(205) 663-6155
Abstract Text

A case study on the steps the Alabaster Water Board took to provide water service to its customers in the wake of having to take a water tank out of service which experienced severe differential settlement.  An elevated water storage tank within the Alabaster Water Board’s Distribution System experienced differential settlement in footing foundations of approximately one foot.  The Board had to remove the water tank from active service and make operational changes and capital improvements within their distribution system to ensure water service to their customers.  Additionally, the Board worked with demolition contractors to remove the tank which was located in a residential neighborhood.