Type | Both |
name | Introduction to Stormwater Management |
Speaker 1 | Imad Aleithawe |
speaker1_email | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
speaker1_phone | (601) 914-6377 |
speaker1_rep | NA |
speaker1_bio | Imad joined Waggoner Engineering in 2018 as Senior Project Engineer and currently serves as a Director of Quality Assurance. He brings with him over 25+ years of experience in civil engineering, construction, operations, personnel and management. Imad previously worked for the Mississippi Department of Transportation from 1991 until 2018. additionally, serves as an adjunct faculty member for both Mississippi and Jackson State Universities at the CCE department since 2010. |
Abstract Text | Construction sites can be a source of sediment and other pollutants to waterways. Best management practices (BMPs) are devices and activities that reduce or eliminate pollution sources and can include silt fences, settling basins, and even training. Proper management of construction sites through the use of BMPs can dramatically reduce stormwater impacts. Construction sites should aim to produce no more sediment risk than the natural condition as this re vegetated slope does. This introduction includes discussion of BMPs, organized by their use. Categorization of BMPs may vary from State to State; however, the basic recommendations for field implementation remain consistent. The information will be based on techniques and control measures considered generally effective in many areas of the country. This, however, is not meant to be a design manual or pollution prevention plan, nor is it meant to supersede, substitute, or make more stringent well defined practices or regulatory standards.