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WastewaterNatalia MarquezPhosphate Removal and Recovery Using Iron Augmented GeotextilesUniversity of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(201) 895-8057

Civil engineer from Universidad del Norte with 2 years of experience in the public sector.


Phosphate Removal and Recovery Using Iron Augmented Geotextiles. Nutrient removal from wastewater is crucial to

BothJames BallintineLarge Diameter Gate ValvesAmerican Cast Iron Pipe CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 999-9615

James "Jim" Ballintine is currently a Territory Manager with American Cast Iron Pipe Company covering

American Flow Control / American SpiralWeld Steel Pipe / American Ductile Iron PipeMitch MathiasAmerican Flow ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 873-4181

Mitch Mathias is a Sales Representative for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. He began his

Large Diameter Gate Valves AMERICAN Flow Control will be presenting on the history and benefits

BothJeff BergmanBasic VFD TroubleshooitngABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the


Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover

BothJeff BergmanThe ABC's of VFDsABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the

Birmingham, AL

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and

BothBrian HuffmanCoatings for Concrete Water/Wastewater TanksThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the Protective Coatings Industry for 31 years with The Sherwin Williams

Brian Huffman

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the history of coatings and linings for

WastewaterBrian HuffmanProtective Coatings for the Wastewater IndustryThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company

Brian Huffman

This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on

WastewaterKristy ChycotaInoovative Applications for Pile Cloth Media FiltrationAqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(815) 721-4485

Kristy Chycota is a process engineer in the filtration product management team at Aqua-Aerobic systems.

Cahaba Water Solutions

Cloth media filtration has been used for wastewater tertiary treatment for nearly 30 years in

WastewaterZack DanielThe Push to Class A: Franklin's Implementation of a State-of-the-Art THP Biosolids ProcessCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 332-5893

Zack is a Vice President and Client Services Leader for CDM Smith, Inc. in their


In 2018, construction began on an expansion project at Franklin WRF to increase capacity from

BothJayson BrennenEnhancing Your GIS and Technology Environment to Support Next-Level Utility Asset ManagementCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(603) 222-8323

Mr. Brennen has 30 years of experience implementing GIS and asset management solutions for utilities

CDM Smith

With an increased emphasis of the utilization of web, mobile, dashboard, and virtual reality technology

WaterPatrick WilliamsonEnhance The Customer Experience Via Online ToolsBadger MeterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 627-9059

Patrick Williamson, PMP, MBA Badger Meter Solution Architect Patrick Williamson is a Solution Architect for

Central Pipe

High volume of customer complaints over billing disputes? High number of field investigations related to

WastewaterBehnaz Jalili JalaliehStressed out because of your Clarifier's Performance? Try our 5-point planArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 507-0323

Behnaz has a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Texas Tech university. She has a

City of LaredoAnnie JiangArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Environmental

A properly operating secondary clarifier in a wastewater treatment plant is essential. Secondary clarifiers have

WastewaterGeorge GravesGoing Green With Blower TechnologiesKaeser Compressors, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(540) 642-8567

George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National

Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc

Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years.

WastewaterJustin BellSaving Your Ponds - Lagoon Upgrades and Enhancements to Meet Future NeedsTriplepoint EnvironmentalEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(910) 340-7005

Southeast/Eastern Sales Manager - Triplepoint Environmental

Coastal Process, LLC.

The presentation will walk through the different types of lagoon treatment and give a brief

BothAaron DaveyDesigning Installations with High Density Polyethylene: Open Cut ConstructionThe Alliance for PE PipeEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(310) 882-1738

Aaron Davey is a civil engineer with a broad career in water/wastewater and a Master

Consolidated PipeAlan AmblerThe Alliance for PE PipeEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 446-4645

Alan has a BS in Civil Engineering, a MS in Environmental Engineering, holds three patents,

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is increasing in popularity for installation in municipal water and

WaterErin FleetPlanning Instead of Reacting – A Story of Bay County’s Hydraulic Distribution System ModelBarge Design Solutions, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 546-1901

Erin Fleet is a Project Engineer in the Water Business Unit with Barge Design Solutions,


Bay County Utilities delivers an average of 27 million gallons per day (MGD) of water

BothJimmy Stewart"The Proof is in the Pipe"Construction Product marketingEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Jimmy Stewart SE Client Manager Construction Product Marketing Contact Information: Name: Jimmy Stewart Cell:

Contractor, Supplier, Solution Provider

Title: “The Proof is in the Pipe” An overview of Tools and Technologies for Pressure

BothJimmy StewartRehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You ThinkCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Industry Experience Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities.

CPM Pipelines

Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of

BothDavid PritchardHigh Accuracy Asset Data Collection and Mapping of your Water and Wastewater UtilitiesTexian Geospatial & Asset Solutions, LLC.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(512) 423-4249

David is the owner and Principal at Texian Geospatial & Asset Solutions in San Marcos,

David Pritchard

There is no more important time than now to feel secure in knowing that you

WaterJason DearingUpdate on Working Around a Leaning Elevated Water TankKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 987-7411Engineering ConsultantLaura KoonAlabaster Water BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 663-6155

A case study on the steps the Alabaster Water Board took to provide water service

BothBruce StevensSparks Fly when Ozone and UV disifnecting - Using Electricity to break up nasty chemistryVeolia Water Technologies & SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 707-6957

Bruce attained a BS in Chem Engg from Northeastern University in Boston MA many moons

EshelmanWilliam NezgodVWT+S (formerly SUEZ)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 557-2789

Bill has had over 30 years of experience working with Ozone generation and mixing systems

While some water treatment systems are familiar with the use of Ozone, most WRFs do

WaterMichael DirthThe Basics of Carbon Dioxide Injection Methods and Equipment for pH ControlTOMCO2 Systems CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(770) 979-8000

Mr. Dirth earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering from


The participant will learn about water treatment applications for carbon dioxide pH control systems, the

BothRavi JethraField Instrument surveys in municipal (water-wastewater) plantsWIKAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(240) 513-5101

Ravi Jethra is Industry Manager - Power & Water with WIKA USA. He has over


Neglecting instrumentation puts plant safety, productivity and profitability at risk. A malfunctioning instrument may lead

WaterAshley PiferPractical steps for preparing for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and ImprovementsGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(479) 527-9100

Dr. Ashley Pifer is Garver’s Water Quality Practice Leader, and she has a B.S. and


The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and future Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)

BothJeff MaierThe Future is Here: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessment TechnologiesGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 596-0744

Jeff Maier, P.E. is the national Infrastructure Practice Leader at Garver and is based out


Pipeline condition assessment, accurate inspection information and proactive decision making based on this data play

WastewaterWes CardwellAnd we’re off! – Hitting the Ground Running for the Western Area WWTP ExpansionGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 483-0384

Wes currently serves as Alabama Water Team Leader for Garver. He brings a passion for

GarverMatt ReynoldsCity of Huntsville Water Pollution ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 883-3719

Matt Reynolds currently serves as Operations Superintendent for the City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control

With over 215,000 residents in the Huntsville City limits and almost 500,000 in the metro

 Type Speaker 1 Title Speaker 1 Org  Speaker 1 Email Speaker 1 Phone Speaker 1 Bio Speaker 1 Rep Speaker 2 Speaker 2 Org Speaker 2 Email Speaker 2 Phone Speaker 2 Bio Abstract Text