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WastewaterKristy ChycotaInoovative Applications for Pile Cloth Media FiltrationAqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(815) 721-4485

Kristy Chycota is a process engineer in the filtration product management team at Aqua-Aerobic systems.

Cahaba Water Solutions

Cloth media filtration has been used for wastewater tertiary treatment for nearly 30 years in

BothDavid LinvilleA Holistic Approach to Water Quality Using Less PhosphorusAqua Smart Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(470) 727-6433

-Dave Linville Is the VP General Manager of Aqua Smart Inc, the creator and exclusive


Limiting corrosion, scale and bacteria are common challenges for drinking water operators. Removing phosphorus is

BothJames BallintineLarge Diameter Gate ValvesAmerican Cast Iron Pipe CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 999-9615

James "Jim" Ballintine is currently a Territory Manager with American Cast Iron Pipe Company covering

American Flow Control / American SpiralWeld Steel Pipe / American Ductile Iron PipeMitch MathiasAmerican Flow ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 873-4181

Mitch Mathias is a Sales Representative for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. He began his

Large Diameter Gate Valves AMERICAN Flow Control will be presenting on the history and benefits

WaterTom LittlepageeWater 2.0: The Next Step in Water Use Reporting in AlabamaAlabama Office of Water ResourcesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 242-5697

Mr. Littlepage graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, he


The Alabama Office of Water Resources (OWR) was created to provide the ability to monitor

WastewaterGary LewisVacuum Technology Systems for the collection of wastewaterAirvacEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(813) 468-5158

Airvac, part of the Aqseptence Group is the leading provider of Vacuum Technology Systems (VTS)


Vacuum Technology System (VTS). Vacuum technology provides an alternative to traditional gravity systems along with

BothJeff BergmanThe ABC's of VFDsABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the

Birmingham, AL

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and

BothJeff BergmanBasic VFD TroubleshooitngABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the


Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover

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