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WaterW. Bradford GreshamBest Practices of Unidirectional FlushingWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Best Practices of Unidirectional Flushing (UDF): Improve Water Quality and Reduce Customer Complaints    

WaterW. Bradford GreshamAsset Management and Reducing the Consequence of Failure, Repair v. ReplaceWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Valve Assessment and Renewal Averts Critical Asset Failure Reducing the consequence of failure while improving

WastewaterWes CardwellAnd we’re off! – Hitting the Ground Running for the Western Area WWTP ExpansionGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 483-0384

Wes currently serves as Alabama Water Team Leader for Garver. He brings a passion for

GarverMatt ReynoldsCity of Huntsville Water Pollution ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 883-3719

Matt Reynolds currently serves as Operations Superintendent for the City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control

With over 215,000 residents in the Huntsville City limits and almost 500,000 in the metro

BothWilliam SeawellShould Adhesion be the Property Pulling Specifications?Induron CoatingsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(601) 325-0499

William Seawell is the Director of Technical Services for Induron Protective Coatings. William has 8

Nick Jones

Should Adhesion be the Property Pulling Specifications?   The classic dolly adhesion pull test has

WaterYue SunExpanding an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant with a Cohesive Project DeliveryArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 208-9463

Yue has 25 years of experience focused on drinking water/wastewater facility design, treatment process selection,

Not applicable

Experiencing rapid population growth, a Texas water utility is expanding its  surface water treatment plant

WastewaterZack DanielThe Push to Class A: Franklin's Implementation of a State-of-the-Art THP Biosolids ProcessCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 332-5893

Zack is a Vice President and Client Services Leader for CDM Smith, Inc. in their


In 2018, construction began on an expansion project at Franklin WRF to increase capacity from

Wastewaterzilan yangDirect Electrochemical Reduction of SeleniteAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(762) 400-2016

Hi! This is Zilan, I usually go by Z, I'm a second-year PhD student studying


Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) consume 396 million tons of coal each year to generate roughly

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