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BothMatthew KleinImproving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Public Works DepartmentsWaggoner EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(317) 590-6797Waggoner EngineeringChris PhillipsWaggoner EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 637-7228


BothKlein MatthewThe Future of Water: The Benefits of Strategic ForesightWaggoner Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(317) 590-6797

Dr. Matthew Klein is a Vice President and Chief of Foresight & Strategy with Waggoner

Waggoner Engineering, Inc.

As one leader stated, "If you don't like change, you'll like irrelevance even less."  Water

BothLaura KoonLong Term Borrowing - Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Revenue Bonds/General Obligation Warrants and State Revolving Fund BondsGeneral Manager - Alabaster Water BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 260-7110

Laura A. Koon, P.E. Laura obtained her Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree and Masters of

Water UtilityLaDonna ChapmanAccounting Manager - Alabaster Water BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 663-6155

LaDonna M. Chapman, CPA, CGFM LaDonna obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from

Making sound decisions regarding long-term borrowing is critical to an organizations financial success.  It is

BothDean FordSCADA: Your Most Critical AssetLuminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(443) 876-5217

Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the

We are local

This discussion will demonstrate the hidden values of your SCADA system and ways to unlock

BothDean FordA Journey to OT-IT Convergence – Part 1: Defining the NeedLuminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(443) 876-5217

Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the

we are localTrey Finch, POBirmingham Water Works BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 244-4438

Trey Finch is the SCADA Analyst for the entire control system. He is responsible for

This presentation is the first in a multiyear journey for a water utility in Alabama. 

BothEric DoleHow a $200 Air Release Valve Postponed a $2,500,000 Booster Pump Station Project by Years – A Valuable Lesson in Air-LockingGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-0186

Eric is a senior project manager at Garver where he serves as the Water and

Wes Cardwell

Garver was selected to perform Widefield Water and Sanitation District’s (WWSD) Integrated Water and Wastewater

BothEric DoleLeveraging Energy Management Principles to Enhance Asset Management Programs…with a touch of Pump System Optimization Solutions (SOS)GarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-0186

Eric is a senior project manager at Garver where he serves as the Water and

Wes Cardwell

For years, traditional asset management utilizes ASHRAE Level 1 audits where a visual assessment of

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