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BothMia WelchTurning "Green" into Greenbacks: How Utilities can Capitalize on Solar Tax IncentivesJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 415-5327

Ms. Welch is a vice president and client account manager in Jacobs' Birmingham office with

n/aChris PalmerJacobs EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(770) 714-9837

Mr. Palmer is a client service leader and program manager in Jacobs' Atlanta office. He

Implementing renewable energy solutions at water resource recovery facilities (WRRF) is not a new concept. 

WastewaterLynn SiskOpportunities to Participate in the TMDL ProcessJacobs Engineering Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 467-6284

Mr. Sisk joined Jacobs in 2017 as a Senior Technologist. Mr. Sisk’s training and experience

NAGlenda DeanJacobs Engineering Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 312-0612

Ms. Dean joined Jacobs in 2021 after her retirement in 2019 from the Alabama Department

The TMDL development process includes several opportunities for wastewater treatment facility owners / operators to

WastewaterCarl FrizzellRerating Modification to Increase Reliability and Operability: The Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station Case-StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 660-6340

Dr. Carl Frizzell is a hydraulics expert on various projects throughout the United States. He

N/ARyan KeefeCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1328

Ryan Keefe is a water/wastewater engineer, specializing in hydraulic projects. He has worked in may

When built in the early 1990s, the Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station, located in

BothKathryn GrimballlThe Technology Evolution in Water Processing: Emerging Instrument & Process Optimization ToolsHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(985) 317-7967

Kathryn Grimball has been in the water treatment industry for 20+ years in various capacities.

Supervisor, Software Applications DevelopmentStephen DalyHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 723-7188

Stephen Daly has been a water professional in various capacities but primarily in textiles and

In today’s ever evolving world, the technological tools for optimization that are available to us

BothAndrew DixonMaking a Splash with Digital Water!Kimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Andrew brings eight years of civil engineering and project management experience for the design and

N/ATimothy ChouKimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Timothy is a 10 year water utility professional with hands-on, in-depth engineering and operational experience

With aging infrastructure and inadequate funding resources, many utilities have begun their journey towards a

BothDean FordA Journey to OT-IT Convergence – Part 1: Defining the NeedLuminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(443) 876-5217

Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the

we are localTrey Finch, POBirmingham Water Works BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 244-4438

Trey Finch is the SCADA Analyst for the entire control system. He is responsible for

This presentation is the first in a multiyear journey for a water utility in Alabama. 

WaterBrigitte von OppenfeldKeeping Your Customers Aesthetically Pleased with Their Drinking Water: Best Practices for Solving Complex Taste & Odor IssuesHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-5861

Brigitte is a project engineer with HDR in the Atlanta, GA office with over 5

n/aStuart JeffcoatHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 925-3323

With over 20 years of experience focused on drinking water treatment, Stuart is a Vice

There is no question that unpleasant taste and/or odor in drinking water can create negative

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