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BothJimmy StewartRehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You ThinkCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Industry Experience Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities.

CPM Pipelines

Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of

BothJimmy StewartRehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You ThinkCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. Jimmy has

N/AChris MacDonaldCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(480) 206-2309

Mr. MacDonald has almost 25 years of experience providing specification and design support for consultants

Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of

BothJimmy Stewart"The Proof is in the Pipe"Construction Product marketingEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Jimmy Stewart SE Client Manager Construction Product Marketing Contact Information: Name: Jimmy Stewart Cell:

Contractor, Supplier, Solution Provider

Title: “The Proof is in the Pipe” An overview of Tools and Technologies for Pressure

WaterFrank EskridgeDeployment of the Nation's Largest Cellular AMI/Meter Replacement ProjectColumbia WaterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(846) 926-0434

Frank has spent his entire career in the water utility business at a number for

N/AJosh BramanJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(216) 214-3689

Josh Braman is a engineer with Jacobs and serves as the company's Implementation Lead for

Columbia Water serves customers located inside the city limits, major portions of Richland County, portions

WaterLouis AntosEvolving Capabilities of Automatic Control ValvesCla-Val CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 215-3196

Louis has lived in the Dallas area for the past 35 years and is a

Jim House & Associates

Automatic control valves do so much more than when they were first introduced to the

BothJosh BenoitKey Design Consideration for Installing Decanter CentrifugesCentrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As the Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities

Morrow Water

Decanter centrifuges are a well-established technology for sludge dewatering and thickening in the wastewater treatment

WastewaterJosh BenoitIs polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening.Centrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase

Morrow Water

Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics

WastewaterBernard PettifordCahaba WRF Electrical System Sustainability/Redundancy Improvements – A Case StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1265

Mr. Pettiford has been in the Environmental Engineering field in one way shape of form


CDM Smith performed an Arc Flash Study Report at the Cahaba Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)

WastewaterKaitlin AllenSolving Transient and Pipe Vibration Problems for Wastewater Lift Stations: A Case Study of the Al Seier Pump StationCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1342

Kaitlin Allen is an environmental engineer working with CDM Smith. She specializes in wastewater treatment


The Al Seier Pump Station is an essential component of the wastewater system owned and

WastewaterCarl FrizzellRerating Modification to Increase Reliability and Operability: The Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station Case-StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 660-6340

Dr. Carl Frizzell is a hydraulics expert on various projects throughout the United States. He

N/ARyan KeefeCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1328

Ryan Keefe is a water/wastewater engineer, specializing in hydraulic projects. He has worked in may

When built in the early 1990s, the Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station, located in

BothJayson BrennenEnhancing Your GIS and Technology Environment to Support Next-Level Utility Asset ManagementCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(603) 222-8323

Mr. Brennen has 30 years of experience implementing GIS and asset management solutions for utilities

CDM Smith

With an increased emphasis of the utilization of web, mobile, dashboard, and virtual reality technology

WastewaterZack DanielThe Push to Class A: Franklin's Implementation of a State-of-the-Art THP Biosolids ProcessCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 332-5893

Zack is a Vice President and Client Services Leader for CDM Smith, Inc. in their


In 2018, construction began on an expansion project at Franklin WRF to increase capacity from

Bothjeremy sukolaToday vs. Tomorrow: Corrosion Control in a Changing Regulatory EnvironmentCarboline Global, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 421-8076

Spanning 25 years in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry, Mr. Sukola currently serves

Matt Williams

This presentation will focus on the impact health and environmental regulatory changes can have on

WaterErin FleetPlanning Instead of Reacting – A Story of Bay County’s Hydraulic Distribution System ModelBarge Design Solutions, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 546-1901

Erin Fleet is a Project Engineer in the Water Business Unit with Barge Design Solutions,


Bay County Utilities delivers an average of 27 million gallons per day (MGD) of water

BothLuke BurrisMission Critical: Water and Sewer Service for Hyperscale Data CentersBarge Design SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 252-4371

Luke Burris is a professional engineer with over 10 years of experience at Barge Design


Our world is becoming increasingly connected by technology and more and more facilities are being

BothLuke BurrisMission Critical: Water and Sewer Service for Hyperscale Data CentersBarge Design SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 252-4371

Luke Burris is a professional engineer with over 10 years of experience at Barge Design


[This may be a duplicate submission. I did not receive a confirmation the first time,

WaterPatrick WilliamsonEnhance The Customer Experience Via Online ToolsBadger MeterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 627-9059

Patrick Williamson, PMP, MBA Badger Meter Solution Architect Patrick Williamson is a Solution Architect for

Central Pipe

High volume of customer complaints over billing disputes? High number of field investigations related to

WaterShakil AminDisinfection By Product Mitigation – Solving a Chronic Problem in the Big Bend Region of FloridaAWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 282-2163

Shakil Amin, PE, BCEE has experience in detailed water and wastewater treatment facilities design, pump

Principal EnvironmentalDouglas BrownWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 238-3209

The City of Perry is located in Taylor County, Florida. Currently, the City of Perry

WastewaterShiqiang (Nick) ZouDirect electricity generation from waste heat of wastewater using a thermoelectric generatorAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(540) 251-9973

Dr. Shiqiang (Nick) Zou is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental


Thermal energy represents a significant portion of energy potential in municipal wastewater and may be

Wastewaterzilan yangDirect Electrochemical Reduction of SeleniteAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(762) 400-2016

Hi! This is Zilan, I usually go by Z, I'm a second-year PhD student studying


Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) consume 396 million tons of coal each year to generate roughly

BothJiaxiang ZhaoElectrooxidation Pathway and Kinetics for Aminomethyl Phosphonic Acid (AMPA) Degradation in Diluted Water MatricesAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 329-0648

Jiaxiang Zhao, a second-year Ph.D. student from Dr. Nick Zou's group at Auburn University, civil


The U.S. agriculture and related industries consume 280 million pounds of glyphosate each year. Most

WastewaterCarey ClarkLand Applications of Treated Wastewater in the Alabama Black BeltAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 508-9083

Carey Clark is a graduate research assistant in the Master of Science program within the


The challenges associated with decentralized wastewater treatment in the Black Belt have been documented over

WastewaterAnnie JiangChanges can be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPsArdurra Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie Jiang graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor's and Master's degree in Environmental

n/aMegan MartinArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(469) 676-8596

Megan Martin, PE holds a Chemical Engineering Degree from University of Texas and brings over

Aeration energy often exceeds half a wastewater plant's power demand. Wastewater modeling simulators are potent

WastewaterBehnaz Jalili JalaliehStressed out because of your Clarifier's Performance? Try our 5-point planArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 507-0323

Behnaz has a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Texas Tech university. She has a

City of LaredoAnnie JiangArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Environmental

A properly operating secondary clarifier in a wastewater treatment plant is essential. Secondary clarifiers have

WaterYue SunExpanding an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant with a Cohesive Project DeliveryArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 208-9463

Yue has 25 years of experience focused on drinking water/wastewater facility design, treatment process selection,

Not applicable

Experiencing rapid population growth, a Texas water utility is expanding its  surface water treatment plant

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