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WaterJonathan GunnLeaking it or Giving it Away: Leak Detection vs. Meter InaccuracyJohnson Controls Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(585) 233-5014

Jonathan Gunn serves as a market manager on the Johnson Controls Water Services team and


It is no secret that both apparent and real losses are issues that every utility

WaterCraig HannahMeter Selection and Installation MattersJohnson Controls, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 632-0063

Craig Hannah, P.E., is the Engineering Manager for Johnson Controls’ Water Infrastructure Technology Team. He


The author recently completed a water loss optimization project for a medium-sized utility in the

WaterCraig HannahEasy Money: Reduce Apparent Water Loss and Increase Billable Revenue by Correcting Errors in the Meter Reading and Billing SystemsJohnson Controls, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 632-0063

Craig Hannah, P.E., is the Engineering Manager for Johnson Controls’ Water Infrastructure Technology Team. He


Most water utilities, especially those with hard water or those who may have periodic problems

BothChristine RobinsonSpec Check – Are your utility’s construction standards keeping up with the times?SchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Christi Robinson is a Senior Project Manager for Schoel and a registered Professional Engineer in

Schoel - Huntsville OfficeAbigail ChristopherSchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Abby Christopher is a staff engineer at Schoel in the Huntsville office. With a Civil

Utility managers, engineers and operations superintendents are busy people, usually working hard to meet the

BothAaron DaveyDesigning Installations with High Density Polyethylene: Open Cut ConstructionThe Alliance for PE PipeEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(310) 882-1738

Aaron Davey is a civil engineer with a broad career in water/wastewater and a Master

Consolidated PipeAlan AmblerThe Alliance for PE PipeEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 446-4645

Alan has a BS in Civil Engineering, a MS in Environmental Engineering, holds three patents,

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is increasing in popularity for installation in municipal water and

BothKirk MillsWith Great Power (Usage), Comes Great Responsibility - Reducing Energy Usage in Water/WastewaterKimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Kirk is a senior project manager with more than 20 years of progressive professional engineering

N/AAlex LeslieKimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-6007

Alex is a project manager with more than 12 years of progressive professional engineering experience

  Energy in water and wastewater has been a well-publicized topic for decades.  Water and

WastewaterBehnaz Jalili JalaliehStressed out because of your Clarifier's Performance? Try our 5-point planArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 507-0323

Behnaz has a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Texas Tech university. She has a

City of LaredoAnnie JiangArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Environmental

A properly operating secondary clarifier in a wastewater treatment plant is essential. Secondary clarifiers have

BothBruce StevensSparks Fly when Ozone and UV disifnecting - Using Electricity to break up nasty chemistryVeolia Water Technologies & SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 707-6957

Bruce attained a BS in Chem Engg from Northeastern University in Boston MA many moons

EshelmanWilliam NezgodVWT+S (formerly SUEZ)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 557-2789

Bill has had over 30 years of experience working with Ozone generation and mixing systems

While some water treatment systems are familiar with the use of Ozone, most WRFs do

WastewaterCharles StarlingPS 8 Rehabilitation, “It’s in the mail…”Kimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 751-2527

Chuck has 24 years of experience serving as project manager and project engineer on a

noneBrock JonesKimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 748-3276

Brock received his B.S., Civil Engineering from the University of South Alabama. He has eight

Kimley-Horn assisted the Jackson County Utility Authority (JCUA) with design services for the rehabilitation of

WastewaterCaleb WilsonA Flood of Data: Stormwater Management Practices and Evolution of Storm CharacteristicsGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 298-9249

Caleb Wilson, EI is a water resources engineering intern serving Gresham Smith’s Water and Environment

NACameron TraylorGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 518-3675

Cameron Traylor, P.E. is a water resources engineer, versed in civil design on both “inside

Urban stormwater management is a balancing act between our desire to shape the local environment

WastewaterCharles StarlingBooster Stations… For Wastewater Conveyance???Kimley-Horn and AssociatesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 751-2527

Chuck has 24 years of experience serving as project manager and project engineer on a

noneChase GlissonJackson County Utility AuthorityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(228) 762-0119

Chase has 12 years of experience serving as project manager and engineering director for the

Kimley-Horn assisted the JCUA with securing a Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (WPCRLF) project

BothJacob BondsLaser Scanning – How can this next generation technology be used effectively to update your infrastructure asset management and mapping tools?SchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 313-1137

Registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in five southeastern states, Joke Bonds currently serves as

Schoel - Birmingham OfficeChristine RobinsonSchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Christi Robinson is a registered Professional Engineer in Alabama and Mississippi with over 25 years

Lack of as-built information for existing facilities is common, and the many challenges and uncertainties

BothStephanie SchrammDeveloping solutions for effective and optimized odor and corrosion mitigation in collection systemsJacobs Engineering GroupEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(708) 359-4402

Stephanie is a wastewater process engineer with Jacobs Engineering with a focus on collection system

Luke LanierGabrielle SinskyJefferson County Environmental Services DepartmentEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 568-5710

Gabrielle is a civil engineer in Jefferson County's Environmental Services Department. She is a 2018

Odor mitigation to prevent neighborhood complaints is a challenge in collection systems. Most odors in

WaterNick LulliAWWA Lead Communications Guide and Toolkit: An Opportunity to Strengthen Trust in Your CommunityHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(305) 753-3979

Nick Lulli is a celebrated communications professional who has worked on some of Florida’s most

HDRTrinity OteroHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 420-4061

Hi, I'm Trinity Otero and I can't stop creating. My happy place is right in

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) on

WastewaterJacob MaynardAnalyzing the ROI on the Reduction of I & I in a Sanitary Sewer SystemKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 919-2724

Jacob graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of

N/AJimmy JunkinCity of Athens UtilitiesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Jimmy earned his Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from

A case study on how various sanitary sewer improvements have helped reduce Infiltration and Inflow

WaterFrank EskridgeDeployment of the Nation's Largest Cellular AMI/Meter Replacement ProjectColumbia WaterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(846) 926-0434

Frank has spent his entire career in the water utility business at a number for

N/AJosh BramanJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(216) 214-3689

Josh Braman is a engineer with Jacobs and serves as the company's Implementation Lead for

Columbia Water serves customers located inside the city limits, major portions of Richland County, portions

WaterStephen DalyStephen DalyHACHEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 708-2271

Stephen has 25 years of experience in process engineering for industrial and municipal water systems.

HachKathryn GrimballHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(985) 317-7967

Kathryn is currently the North American Supervisor for the Claros application development management team. Kathryn

Coagulation and flocculation are an essential part of drinking water treatment since all waters, especially

WastewaterCourtney KennedySewer Condition Assessment and Prioritization in a Digital WorldJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(610) 966-2385

Courtney is a water resources engineer and an Engineering Technology Specialist with jacobs with over

N/AKimberly MichaelCity of TuscaloosaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 248-5890

Kimberly is the Executive Director of Water and Sewer for the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

As we continue to progress towards a more digital world, the process of assessing and

BothLaura KoonLong Term Borrowing - Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Revenue Bonds/General Obligation Warrants and State Revolving Fund BondsGeneral Manager - Alabaster Water BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 260-7110

Laura A. Koon, P.E. Laura obtained her Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree and Masters of

Water UtilityLaDonna ChapmanAccounting Manager - Alabaster Water BoardEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 663-6155

LaDonna M. Chapman, CPA, CGFM LaDonna obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from

Making sound decisions regarding long-term borrowing is critical to an organizations financial success.  It is

WastewaterWes CardwellAnd we’re off! – Hitting the Ground Running for the Western Area WWTP ExpansionGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 483-0384

Wes currently serves as Alabama Water Team Leader for Garver. He brings a passion for

GarverMatt ReynoldsCity of Huntsville Water Pollution ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 883-3719

Matt Reynolds currently serves as Operations Superintendent for the City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control

With over 215,000 residents in the Huntsville City limits and almost 500,000 in the metro

WastewaterAnnie JiangChanges can be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPsArdurra Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie Jiang graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor's and Master's degree in Environmental

n/aMegan MartinArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(469) 676-8596

Megan Martin, PE holds a Chemical Engineering Degree from University of Texas and brings over

Aeration energy often exceeds half a wastewater plant's power demand. Wastewater modeling simulators are potent

WaterSarah OrtbalEvaluating the Effects of MIEX Treatment and Coagulation on the Removal of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors at the Pilot ScaleUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(314) 681-2269

Sarah Ortbal graduated from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor's of Environmental Engineering in

N/AMelanie VinesUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(865) 566-4992

Melanie Vines is a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alabama studying treatment technologies

The prevention and mitigation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water utilities is a pressing

BothJames BallintineLarge Diameter Gate ValvesAmerican Cast Iron Pipe CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 999-9615

James "Jim" Ballintine is currently a Territory Manager with American Cast Iron Pipe Company covering

American Flow Control / American SpiralWeld Steel Pipe / American Ductile Iron PipeMitch MathiasAmerican Flow ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 873-4181

Mitch Mathias is a Sales Representative for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. He began his

Large Diameter Gate Valves AMERICAN Flow Control will be presenting on the history and benefits

WastewaterSuzan Chin-TaylorThe Answer to Sustainable, Effective Wastewater Treatment Is Under Our FeetCreative RavenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(760) 217-8010

Suzan Chin-Taylor, MSc is an international entrepreneur, published author, course creator and keynote speaker. Her

N/AJ. Rodney Dickerson, PEEnBiorganic TechnologiesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Mr. J. Rodney Dickerson graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a Bachelor of Science Degree

The wastewater industry as a whole has now been given an opportunity to take another

BothJimmy StewartRehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You ThinkCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. Jimmy has

N/AChris MacDonaldCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(480) 206-2309

Mr. MacDonald has almost 25 years of experience providing specification and design support for consultants

Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of

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