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BothChad AndrewsChad AndrewsUnderground SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(229) 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

Two primary trenchless methods for installing utilities under interstates include jack and bore and horizontal

BothChad AndrewsWhat is Fusible PVC?Underground SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(229) 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

Fusible PVC pipe was developed in the early 2000s followed by significant growth in the

BothChad AndrewsExploring Solutions in Pressure Pipe RehabilitationUnderground SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(229) 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

There is no silver bullet technology in pressure pipe rehabilitation for water and sewer pipelines. 

WastewaterCarey ClarkLand Applications of Treated Wastewater in the Alabama Black BeltAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 508-9083

Carey Clark is a graduate research assistant in the Master of Science program within the


The challenges associated with decentralized wastewater treatment in the Black Belt have been documented over

WastewaterCaleb WilsonA Flood of Data: Stormwater Management Practices and Evolution of Storm CharacteristicsGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 298-9249

Caleb Wilson, EI is a water resources engineering intern serving Gresham Smith’s Water and Environment

NACameron TraylorGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 518-3675

Cameron Traylor, P.E. is a water resources engineer, versed in civil design on both “inside

Urban stormwater management is a balancing act between our desire to shape the local environment

WaterCaleb LeachImplementation of GAC Filtration to Remove PFAS in Guin, ALKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 616-6693

Caleb Leach has worked for Krebs Engineering since 2008 where is an Associate. He lives


Guin Water Works and Sewer Board has been facing PFAS contamination for many years from

BothBruce StevensSparks Fly when Ozone and UV disifnecting - Using Electricity to break up nasty chemistryVeolia Water Technologies & SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 707-6957

Bruce attained a BS in Chem Engg from Northeastern University in Boston MA many moons

EshelmanWilliam NezgodVWT+S (formerly SUEZ)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 557-2789

Bill has had over 30 years of experience working with Ozone generation and mixing systems

While some water treatment systems are familiar with the use of Ozone, most WRFs do

WaterBrigitte von OppenfeldKeeping Your Customers Aesthetically Pleased with Their Drinking Water: Best Practices for Solving Complex Taste & Odor IssuesHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-5861

Brigitte is a project engineer with HDR in the Atlanta, GA office with over 5

n/aStuart JeffcoatHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 925-3323

With over 20 years of experience focused on drinking water treatment, Stuart is a Vice

There is no question that unpleasant taste and/or odor in drinking water can create negative

BothBrian HuffmanCoatings for Concrete Water/Wastewater TanksThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the Protective Coatings Industry for 31 years with The Sherwin Williams

Brian Huffman

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the history of coatings and linings for

WastewaterBrian HuffmanProtective Coatings for the Wastewater IndustryThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company

Brian Huffman

This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on

WaterW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Benefits of Comprehensive Leak DetectionWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


The Value of Comprehensive Leak Detection: An Innovative approach to Reducing Real Water Loss  This

BothW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Importance of ARV InspectionsWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Title:   The Importance of Air Release Valve (ARV) Inspections   Description:   Overview and

WaterW. Bradford GreshamIntegrating Valve Inspections with Pipeline InspectionsWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Integrating Valve Inspections with Pipeline Inspections   Pipeline condition assessments continue to gain in popularity

WaterW. Bradford GreshamBest Practices of Unidirectional FlushingWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Best Practices of Unidirectional Flushing (UDF): Improve Water Quality and Reduce Customer Complaints    

WaterW. Bradford GreshamAsset Management and Reducing the Consequence of Failure, Repair v. ReplaceWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Valve Assessment and Renewal Averts Critical Asset Failure Reducing the consequence of failure while improving

WastewaterBehnaz Jalili JalaliehStressed out because of your Clarifier's Performance? Try our 5-point planArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 507-0323

Behnaz has a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Texas Tech university. She has a

City of LaredoAnnie JiangArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Environmental

A properly operating secondary clarifier in a wastewater treatment plant is essential. Secondary clarifiers have

BothJosh BenoitKey Design Consideration for Installing Decanter CentrifugesCentrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As the Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities

Morrow Water

Decanter centrifuges are a well-established technology for sludge dewatering and thickening in the wastewater treatment

WastewaterJosh BenoitIs polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening.Centrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase

Morrow Water

Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics

WastewaterAnnie JiangChanges can be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPsArdurra Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie Jiang graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor's and Master's degree in Environmental

n/aMegan MartinArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(469) 676-8596

Megan Martin, PE holds a Chemical Engineering Degree from University of Texas and brings over

Aeration energy often exceeds half a wastewater plant's power demand. Wastewater modeling simulators are potent

BothAndrew GreenReal World Consequences of SCADA System Cyber-SecurityTrihedral, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 224-3977

Andrew Green has been working in the water and wastewater industries for 7 years as


Cyber-security breaches of computer systems are becoming more and more common. SCADA systems pose a

BothAndrew DixonMaking a Splash with Digital Water!Kimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Andrew brings eight years of civil engineering and project management experience for the design and

N/ATimothy ChouKimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Timothy is a 10 year water utility professional with hands-on, in-depth engineering and operational experience

With aging infrastructure and inadequate funding resources, many utilities have begun their journey towards a

WastewaterAmal BakchanImpacts of Socio-technical Barriers on the Operation and Maintenance of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems: The Case of Rural Alabama’s Black BeltThe University of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(832) 606-9760

Amal Bakchan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering


Due to extreme (non-perc) soil conditions, the rural Alabama’s Black Belt region is characterized as

BothAlan HudsonAutomation Communication in the Age of IIoTVTScada softwareEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 612-6665

Alan Hudson is US Sales Manager for Trihedral Engineering, the manufacturer of VTScada software. Alan


Over the last 35 years, typical water wastewater SCADA systems have exploded in the quantity

BothAlan HudsonSCADA Alarm Management Technologies, Tips & TricksVTScada softwareEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 612-6665

Alan Hudson is US Sales Manager for Trihedral Engineering, the manufacturer of VTScada software. Alan


Notifying operations personnel of alarm conditions continues to be among the most important functions of

WastewaterGary LewisVacuum Technology Systems for the collection of wastewaterAirvacEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(813) 468-5158

Airvac, part of the Aqseptence Group is the leading provider of Vacuum Technology Systems (VTS)


Vacuum Technology System (VTS). Vacuum technology provides an alternative to traditional gravity systems along with

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