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BothMia WelchTurning "Green" into Greenbacks: How Utilities can Capitalize on Solar Tax IncentivesJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 415-5327

Ms. Welch is a vice president and client account manager in Jacobs' Birmingham office with

n/aChris PalmerJacobs EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(770) 714-9837

Mr. Palmer is a client service leader and program manager in Jacobs' Atlanta office. He

Implementing renewable energy solutions at water resource recovery facilities (WRRF) is not a new concept. 

WastewaterHarry McCaskillHybrid Sand Filter TreatmentUniversity of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 599-5509

My name is Harry McCaskill IV. I am a graduate student under the mentorship of

University of South Alabama

I would like to present treatment data on hybrid sand filter models. Two models have

WaterNelson McGoughSipSafe: Lead Testing in Childcare FacilitiesMississippi Water Resources Research InstituteEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(662) 325-0849

Nelson McGough is an Extension Associate with the MS Water Resources Research Institute. He has


Protecting children from lead exposure plays a critical role in ensuring they develop into healthy

WaterNick LulliAWWA Lead Communications Guide and Toolkit: An Opportunity to Strengthen Trust in Your CommunityHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(305) 753-3979

Nick Lulli is a celebrated communications professional who has worked on some of Florida’s most

HDRTrinity OteroHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 420-4061

Hi, I'm Trinity Otero and I can't stop creating. My happy place is right in

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) on

WaterPatrick WilliamsonEnhance The Customer Experience Via Online ToolsBadger MeterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 627-9059

Patrick Williamson, PMP, MBA Badger Meter Solution Architect Patrick Williamson is a Solution Architect for

Central Pipe

High volume of customer complaints over billing disputes? High number of field investigations related to

WastewaterRachel Chaihe Life Cycle Analysis of Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems used in the Alabama Black BeltUniversity of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(228) 235-7159

Rachel Chai is Ph. D student in the System Engineering program at the University of

University of South Alabama

Onsite wastewater treatment is used by 25% of the population in the United States of

BothRachel CohenLCRR Compliance Best Practices: Service Line Material InventoryHDR, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(215) 680-3389

Rachel is an EIT out of HDR’s Atlanta office with experience in water treatment process


The federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) requires all drinking water systems to prepare

BothRavi JethraField Instrument surveys in municipal (water-wastewater) plantsWIKAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(240) 513-5101

Ravi Jethra is Industry Manager - Power & Water with WIKA USA. He has over


Neglecting instrumentation puts plant safety, productivity and profitability at risk. A malfunctioning instrument may lead

BothJacob BondsLaser Scanning – How can this next generation technology be used effectively to update your infrastructure asset management and mapping tools?SchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 313-1137

Registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in five southeastern states, Joke Bonds currently serves as

Schoel - Birmingham OfficeChristine RobinsonSchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Christi Robinson is a registered Professional Engineer in Alabama and Mississippi with over 25 years

Lack of as-built information for existing facilities is common, and the many challenges and uncertainties

WastewaterRusty TateEvaluating Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Alternatives Utilizing Process Modeling SoftwareGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(479) 200-6345

Rusty Tate is a Senior Process Engineer in Garver’s Water Design Center with over 15


Over the past several years, municipal utilities that own and operate wastewater treatment facilities have

WaterRyan Graham: Aging Water Mains: To Rehabilitate or Replace? Making a Case for NSF-Certified CIPP Lining to Help Reduce Water Loss and Close the Funding Gap.Vortex CompaniesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(281) 639-3237

Ryan Graham SVP, Sales Vortex Services As the Senior Vice President of Sales, Ryan oversees


The 2021 infrastructure report card, ASCE gives America's 2.2 million miles of drinking water infrastructure

WaterSamantha BlackPFAS Treatment and Lessons Learned from a Year-Long Pilot StudyHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(561) 209-6607

Samantha Black is a Water Treatment Engineer with HDR in West Palm Beach, FL. She


Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS

WaterSarah OrtbalEvaluating the Effects of MIEX Treatment and Coagulation on the Removal of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors at the Pilot ScaleUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(314) 681-2269

Sarah Ortbal graduated from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor's of Environmental Engineering in

N/AMelanie VinesUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(865) 566-4992

Melanie Vines is a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alabama studying treatment technologies

The prevention and mitigation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water utilities is a pressing

WastewaterScott JerniganInfiltration Wetlands for Effluent ManagementJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 266-3975

Scott Jernigan is a Senior Project Manager with Jacobs in the Pensacola Office. He has


As effluent disposal regulations become more stringent, new effluent management alternatives must be identified to

WastewaterSean ScurasBNR to Achieve Very Low Effluent NitrogenGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(864) 546-0729

Sean Scuras is Garver’s National Practice Leader for Wastewater Treatment and an Adjunct Assistant Professor

Tim Boyne

To reach very low effluent nitrogen levels requires attention to all nitrogen species:  ammonium (NH4-N),

WaterShakil AminDisinfection By Product Mitigation – Solving a Chronic Problem in the Big Bend Region of FloridaAWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 282-2163

Shakil Amin, PE, BCEE has experience in detailed water and wastewater treatment facilities design, pump

Principal EnvironmentalDouglas BrownWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 238-3209

The City of Perry is located in Taylor County, Florida. Currently, the City of Perry

BothShawn DuboisEnzymatic Methods for Testing for Total Coliforms and E. coli in Various WatersIDEXX LaboratoriesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 556-4110

Shawn is a senior scientist with IDEXX Laboratories. He has been a part of the


Utilities and private laboratories test for a variety of bacteria in water including total coliforms

WastewaterSilvana AlfieriSmart, Low-Cost Wastewater Monitoring SolutionsFluid Conservation SystemsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(513) 781-6173

Silvana Alfieri is the US Wastewater Sales Manager for FCS, working to assist utilities and

N/A - looking for one now

I+I is an extremely pressing problem that can overwhelm systems and often the exact source

WastewaterJustin BellSaving Your Ponds - Lagoon Upgrades and Enhancements to Meet Future NeedsTriplepoint EnvironmentalEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(910) 340-7005

Southeast/Eastern Sales Manager - Triplepoint Environmental

Coastal Process, LLC.

The presentation will walk through the different types of lagoon treatment and give a brief

Bothjeremy sukolaToday vs. Tomorrow: Corrosion Control in a Changing Regulatory EnvironmentCarboline Global, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 421-8076

Spanning 25 years in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry, Mr. Sukola currently serves

Matt Williams

This presentation will focus on the impact health and environmental regulatory changes can have on

BothStephanie SchrammDeveloping solutions for effective and optimized odor and corrosion mitigation in collection systemsJacobs Engineering GroupEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(708) 359-4402

Stephanie is a wastewater process engineer with Jacobs Engineering with a focus on collection system

Luke LanierGabrielle SinskyJefferson County Environmental Services DepartmentEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 568-5710

Gabrielle is a civil engineer in Jefferson County's Environmental Services Department. She is a 2018

Odor mitigation to prevent neighborhood complaints is a challenge in collection systems. Most odors in

WastewaterStephen KingHow do you know if larger pipe will fix your SSO problem - A case studyHazen and SawyerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 957-4144

Stephen H. King, P.E., BCEE Associate Vice President Hazen and Sawyer Two Chase Corporate Drive


ABSTRACT This presentation will focus on three (3) chronic SSO areas within Jefferson County’s system

WaterStephen DalyStephen DalyHACHEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 708-2271

Stephen has 25 years of experience in process engineering for industrial and municipal water systems.

HachKathryn GrimballHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(985) 317-7967

Kathryn is currently the North American Supervisor for the Claros application development management team. Kathryn

Coagulation and flocculation are an essential part of drinking water treatment since all waters, especially

WaterSteve NewtonStatus of the Alabama Dam Safety Program and Why we Should Give a Dam!TTL, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 401-7470

Steve is a licensed professional engineer with over 40 years of consulting engineering experience. He

Not applicable

Dams provide the needed infrastructure for control and retention of water for various uses including

BothSteve WilsonOnline Support and Resources for Water & Wastewater at the University of IllinoisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(217) 333-0956

Steve Wilson is a groundwater hydrologist who has been with the Illinois State Water Survey


What if you could go to one website to find free information from more than

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