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BothMatthew KleinImproving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Public Works DepartmentsWaggoner 590-6797Waggoner EngineeringChris PhillipsWaggoner 637-7228


WaterCaleb LeachImplementation of GAC Filtration to Remove PFAS in Guin, ALKrebs Engineering, 616-6693

Caleb Leach has worked for Krebs Engineering since 2008 where is an Associate. He lives


Guin Water Works and Sewer Board has been facing PFAS contamination for many years from

WastewaterAmal BakchanImpacts of Socio-technical Barriers on the Operation and Maintenance of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems: The Case of Rural Alabama’s Black BeltThe University of South 606-9760

Amal Bakchan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering


Due to extreme (non-perc) soil conditions, the rural Alabama’s Black Belt region is characterized as

WastewaterHarry McCaskillHybrid Sand Filter TreatmentUniversity of South 599-5509

My name is Harry McCaskill IV. I am a graduate student under the mentorship of

University of South Alabama

I would like to present treatment data on hybrid sand filter models. Two models have

WastewaterStephen KingHow do you know if larger pipe will fix your SSO problem - A case studyHazen and 957-4144

Stephen H. King, P.E., BCEE Associate Vice President Hazen and Sawyer Two Chase Corporate Drive


ABSTRACT This presentation will focus on three (3) chronic SSO areas within Jefferson County’s system

BothEric DoleHow a $200 Air Release Valve Postponed a $2,500,000 Booster Pump Station Project by Years – A Valuable Lesson in 881-0186

Eric is a senior project manager at Garver where he serves as the Water and

Wes Cardwell

Garver was selected to perform Widefield Water and Sanitation District’s (WWSD) Integrated Water and Wastewater

BothDavid PritchardHigh Accuracy Asset Data Collection and Mapping of your Water and Wastewater UtilitiesTexian Geospatial & Asset Solutions, 423-4249

David is the owner and Principal at Texian Geospatial & Asset Solutions in San Marcos,

David Pritchard

There is no more important time than now to feel secure in knowing that you

WastewaterRachel Chaihe Life Cycle Analysis of Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems used in the Alabama Black BeltUniversity of South 235-7159

Rachel Chai is Ph. D student in the System Engineering program at the University of

University of South Alabama

Onsite wastewater treatment is used by 25% of the population in the United States of

BothJake MattixGuiding you on your Digital Journey to implement a secure SCADA systemRED 729-5086

David Bacqué is the Director of Cybersecurity Consulting and Vice President of Strategic Development for


SCADA save time and lower operating costs by having crews respond to known issues via

WastewaterGeorge GravesGoing Green With Blower TechnologiesKaeser Compressors, 642-8567

George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National

Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc

Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years.

BothTanya GallagherFunding Opportunities for Improving Water and Wastewater 525-5941

Tanya Gallagher has over 15 years of experience in geospatial analysis and environmental resilience planning.


Every year hundreds of millions of dollars of state and federal grant funding are made

BothRavi JethraField Instrument surveys in municipal (water-wastewater) 513-5101

Ravi Jethra is Industry Manager - Power & Water with WIKA USA. He has over


Neglecting instrumentation puts plant safety, productivity and profitability at risk. A malfunctioning instrument may lead

BothChad AndrewsExploring Solutions in Pressure Pipe RehabilitationUnderground 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

There is no silver bullet technology in pressure pipe rehabilitation for water and sewer pipelines. 

WaterYue SunExpanding an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant with a Cohesive Project 208-9463

Yue has 25 years of experience focused on drinking water/wastewater facility design, treatment process selection,

Not applicable

Experiencing rapid population growth, a Texas water utility is expanding its  surface water treatment plant

WaterTom LittlepageeWater 2.0: The Next Step in Water Use Reporting in AlabamaAlabama Office of Water 242-5697

Mr. Littlepage graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, he


The Alabama Office of Water Resources (OWR) was created to provide the ability to monitor

WaterLouis AntosEvolving Capabilities of Automatic Control ValvesCla-Val 215-3196

Louis has lived in the Dallas area for the past 35 years and is a

Jim House & Associates

Automatic control valves do so much more than when they were first introduced to the

WastewaterJillian Maxcy-BrownEvaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in AlabamaUniversity of 538-0883

Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department


Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting

BothW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Importance of ARV InspectionsWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Title:   The Importance of Air Release Valve (ARV) Inspections   Description:   Overview and

WaterSarah OrtbalEvaluating the Effects of MIEX Treatment and Coagulation on the Removal of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors at the Pilot ScaleUniversity of 681-2269

Sarah Ortbal graduated from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor's of Environmental Engineering in

N/AMelanie VinesUniversity of 566-4992

Melanie Vines is a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alabama studying treatment technologies

The prevention and mitigation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water utilities is a pressing

WaterW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Benefits of Comprehensive Leak DetectionWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


The Value of Comprehensive Leak Detection: An Innovative approach to Reducing Real Water Loss  This

WastewaterRusty TateEvaluating Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Alternatives Utilizing Process Modeling 200-6345

Rusty Tate is a Senior Process Engineer in Garver’s Water Design Center with over 15


Over the past several years, municipal utilities that own and operate wastewater treatment facilities have

BothShawn DuboisEnzymatic Methods for Testing for Total Coliforms and E. coli in Various WatersIDEXX 556-4110

Shawn is a senior scientist with IDEXX Laboratories. He has been a part of the


Utilities and private laboratories test for a variety of bacteria in water including total coliforms

BothJayson BrennenEnhancing Your GIS and Technology Environment to Support Next-Level Utility Asset ManagementCDM 222-8323

Mr. Brennen has 30 years of experience implementing GIS and asset management solutions for utilities

CDM Smith

With an increased emphasis of the utilization of web, mobile, dashboard, and virtual reality technology

WaterPatrick WilliamsonEnhance The Customer Experience Via Online ToolsBadger 627-9059

Patrick Williamson, PMP, MBA Badger Meter Solution Architect Patrick Williamson is a Solution Architect for

Central Pipe

High volume of customer complaints over billing disputes? High number of field investigations related to

BothJiaxiang ZhaoElectrooxidation Pathway and Kinetics for Aminomethyl Phosphonic Acid (AMPA) Degradation in Diluted Water MatricesAuburn 329-0648

Jiaxiang Zhao, a second-year Ph.D. student from Dr. Nick Zou's group at Auburn University, civil


The U.S. agriculture and related industries consume 280 million pounds of glyphosate each year. Most

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