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BothGary SandersReducing Your Days of ExposureUtility Information Pipeline LLCEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(919) 673-4050

Gary Sanders is a freelance Utility Billing Consultant based in Durham, North Carolina. Gary has

Utility Billing Consultant

Target Audience:  General Managers, Office Managers, Office Staff, and Board Members Gary Sanders has over

WastewaterGeorge GravesGoing Green With Blower TechnologiesKaeser Compressors, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(540) 642-8567

George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National

Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc

Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years.

BothJayson BrennenEnhancing Your GIS and Technology Environment to Support Next-Level Utility Asset ManagementCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(603) 222-8323

Mr. Brennen has 30 years of experience implementing GIS and asset management solutions for utilities

CDM Smith

With an increased emphasis of the utilization of web, mobile, dashboard, and virtual reality technology

WastewaterJackson CorleyInnovative Methods for Collection System Model Calibration & DevelopmentJacobs & MAWSSEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 490-3274

Jackson is a water engineer who is experienced in using physics-based models to evaluate hydraulics


Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (MAWSS) owns and operates a collection system network consisting

WaterShakil AminDisinfection By Product Mitigation – Solving a Chronic Problem in the Big Bend Region of FloridaAWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 282-2163

Shakil Amin, PE, BCEE has experience in detailed water and wastewater treatment facilities design, pump

Principal EnvironmentalDouglas BrownWEAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 238-3209

The City of Perry is located in Taylor County, Florida. Currently, the City of Perry

WastewaterZack DanielThe Push to Class A: Franklin's Implementation of a State-of-the-Art THP Biosolids ProcessCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 332-5893

Zack is a Vice President and Client Services Leader for CDM Smith, Inc. in their


In 2018, construction began on an expansion project at Franklin WRF to increase capacity from

BothJimmy StewartRehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You ThinkCPM PipelinesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 750-3208

Industry Experience Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities.

CPM Pipelines

Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of

WaterYue SunExpanding an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant with a Cohesive Project DeliveryArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 208-9463

Yue has 25 years of experience focused on drinking water/wastewater facility design, treatment process selection,

Not applicable

Experiencing rapid population growth, a Texas water utility is expanding its  surface water treatment plant

BothJake MattixGuiding you on your Digital Journey to implement a secure SCADA systemRED GroupEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(504) 729-5086

David Bacqué is the Director of Cybersecurity Consulting and Vice President of Strategic Development for


SCADA save time and lower operating costs by having crews respond to known issues via

WaterSteve NewtonStatus of the Alabama Dam Safety Program and Why we Should Give a Dam!TTL, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 401-7470

Steve is a licensed professional engineer with over 40 years of consulting engineering experience. He

Not applicable

Dams provide the needed infrastructure for control and retention of water for various uses including

WaterLouis AntosEvolving Capabilities of Automatic Control ValvesCla-Val CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 215-3196

Louis has lived in the Dallas area for the past 35 years and is a

Jim House & Associates

Automatic control valves do so much more than when they were first introduced to the

BothDavid BurtonThe Importance of Capital Planning and the Role Asset Management PlaysWaggoner Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 789-5362

David Burton is the Alabama Area Manager for Waggoner Engineering, inc., a multi-discipline engineering firm


While water and wastewater utilities confront some of the most significant technical challenges in a

WastewaterJeremy CreelTeaching Operators to Pass the Certification TestJefferson CountyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 965-4785

Jeremy Creel is plant manager at the Cahaba River WRF in Jefferson County Alabama and


Tips and Tricks for teaching operators how to pass the ABC certification exams.  After spending

WaterMichael DirthThe Basics of Carbon Dioxide Injection Methods and Equipment for pH ControlTOMCO2 Systems CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(770) 979-8000

Mr. Dirth earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering from


The participant will learn about water treatment applications for carbon dioxide pH control systems, the

WaterNelson McGoughSipSafe: Lead Testing in Childcare FacilitiesMississippi Water Resources Research InstituteEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(662) 325-0849

Nelson McGough is an Extension Associate with the MS Water Resources Research Institute. He has


Protecting children from lead exposure plays a critical role in ensuring they develop into healthy

BothDean FordSCADA: Your Most Critical AssetLuminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and EngineeringEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(443) 876-5217

Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the

We are local

This discussion will demonstrate the hidden values of your SCADA system and ways to unlock

WaterScott GriecoTreatment strategies for PFAS: Are there advantages to Incorporating Dual Adsorbents?JacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(315) 247-8710

Dr. Grieco is the Global Technology Leader for Emerging Contaminants with Jacobs Drinking Water &


With federal MCLs for PFAS imminent and UCMR5 sampling upcoming, evaluation and planning for PFAS

WastewaterScott GriecoManaging PFAS in Wastewater & BiosolidsJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(315) 247-8710

Dr. Grieco is the Global Technology Leader for Emerging Contaminants with Jacobs Drinking Water &


PFAS have continued to gain focus within wastewater discharge and reclamation facilities.   In June 2022,

WaterLuke ButlerLakewood city (CA) case study: Improving network performance with a Water Management PlatformQatiumEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(204) 979-9932

Luke has spent his entire career in the water industry, specializing in water modeling, with


Lakewood is a city in Los Angeles County CA, with 80,000 customers and 200mi of

BothDavid PritchardHigh Accuracy Asset Data Collection and Mapping of your Water and Wastewater UtilitiesTexian Geospatial & Asset Solutions, LLC.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(512) 423-4249

David is the owner and Principal at Texian Geospatial & Asset Solutions in San Marcos,

David Pritchard

There is no more important time than now to feel secure in knowing that you

WastewaterScott JerniganInfiltration Wetlands for Effluent ManagementJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 266-3975

Scott Jernigan is a Senior Project Manager with Jacobs in the Pensacola Office. He has


As effluent disposal regulations become more stringent, new effluent management alternatives must be identified to

WastewaterNatalia MarquezPhosphate Removal and Recovery Using Iron Augmented GeotextilesUniversity of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(201) 895-8057

Civil engineer from Universidad del Norte with 2 years of experience in the public sector.


Phosphate Removal and Recovery Using Iron Augmented Geotextiles. Nutrient removal from wastewater is crucial to

WastewaterSilvana AlfieriSmart, Low-Cost Wastewater Monitoring SolutionsFluid Conservation SystemsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(513) 781-6173

Silvana Alfieri is the US Wastewater Sales Manager for FCS, working to assist utilities and

N/A - looking for one now

I+I is an extremely pressing problem that can overwhelm systems and often the exact source

BothJeff BergmanThe ABC's of VFDsABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the

Birmingham, AL

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and

BothJeff BergmanBasic VFD TroubleshooitngABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the


Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover

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