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WastewaterSean ScurasBNR to Achieve Very Low Effluent NitrogenGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(864) 546-0729

Sean Scuras is Garver’s National Practice Leader for Wastewater Treatment and an Adjunct Assistant Professor

Tim Boyne

To reach very low effluent nitrogen levels requires attention to all nitrogen species:  ammonium (NH4-N),

WastewaterJillian Maxcy-BrownEvaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in AlabamaUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 538-0883

Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department


Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting

WastewaterCharles StarlingPS 8 Rehabilitation, “It’s in the mail…”Kimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 751-2527

Chuck has 24 years of experience serving as project manager and project engineer on a

noneBrock JonesKimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 748-3276

Brock received his B.S., Civil Engineering from the University of South Alabama. He has eight

Kimley-Horn assisted the Jackson County Utility Authority (JCUA) with design services for the rehabilitation of

WastewaterLynn SiskOpportunities to Participate in the TMDL ProcessJacobs Engineering Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 467-6284

Mr. Sisk joined Jacobs in 2017 as a Senior Technologist. Mr. Sisk’s training and experience

NAGlenda DeanJacobs Engineering Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(334) 312-0612

Ms. Dean joined Jacobs in 2021 after her retirement in 2019 from the Alabama Department

The TMDL development process includes several opportunities for wastewater treatment facility owners / operators to

WastewaterBrian HuffmanProtective Coatings for the Wastewater IndustryThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company

Brian Huffman

This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on

WastewaterStephen KingHow do you know if larger pipe will fix your SSO problem - A case studyHazen and SawyerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 957-4144

Stephen H. King, P.E., BCEE Associate Vice President Hazen and Sawyer Two Chase Corporate Drive


ABSTRACT This presentation will focus on three (3) chronic SSO areas within Jefferson County’s system

WastewaterCharles StarlingBooster Stations… For Wastewater Conveyance???Kimley-Horn and AssociatesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 751-2527

Chuck has 24 years of experience serving as project manager and project engineer on a

noneChase GlissonJackson County Utility AuthorityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(228) 762-0119

Chase has 12 years of experience serving as project manager and engineering director for the

Kimley-Horn assisted the JCUA with securing a Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (WPCRLF) project

WastewaterRachel Chaihe Life Cycle Analysis of Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems used in the Alabama Black BeltUniversity of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(228) 235-7159

Rachel Chai is Ph. D student in the System Engineering program at the University of

University of South Alabama

Onsite wastewater treatment is used by 25% of the population in the United States of

WastewaterBernard PettifordCahaba WRF Electrical System Sustainability/Redundancy Improvements – A Case StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1265

Mr. Pettiford has been in the Environmental Engineering field in one way shape of form


CDM Smith performed an Arc Flash Study Report at the Cahaba Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)

WastewaterCaleb WilsonA Flood of Data: Stormwater Management Practices and Evolution of Storm CharacteristicsGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 298-9249

Caleb Wilson, EI is a water resources engineering intern serving Gresham Smith’s Water and Environment

NACameron TraylorGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 518-3675

Cameron Traylor, P.E. is a water resources engineer, versed in civil design on both “inside

Urban stormwater management is a balancing act between our desire to shape the local environment

WastewaterCarey ClarkLand Applications of Treated Wastewater in the Alabama Black BeltAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 508-9083

Carey Clark is a graduate research assistant in the Master of Science program within the


The challenges associated with decentralized wastewater treatment in the Black Belt have been documented over

WastewaterDaniel WhiteUpdate to How to Build a Vertical Asset Management Program for WRFsJefferson County ESDEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 281-8931Jefferson County Environmental Services

Looking to streamline its operations and reduce maintenance costs, the Jefferson County Environmental Services Department

WastewaterWes CardwellAnd we’re off! – Hitting the Ground Running for the Western Area WWTP ExpansionGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 483-0384

Wes currently serves as Alabama Water Team Leader for Garver. He brings a passion for

GarverMatt ReynoldsCity of Huntsville Water Pollution ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 883-3719

Matt Reynolds currently serves as Operations Superintendent for the City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control

With over 215,000 residents in the Huntsville City limits and almost 500,000 in the metro

WastewaterKaitlin AllenSolving Transient and Pipe Vibration Problems for Wastewater Lift Stations: A Case Study of the Al Seier Pump StationCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1342

Kaitlin Allen is an environmental engineer working with CDM Smith. She specializes in wastewater treatment


The Al Seier Pump Station is an essential component of the wastewater system owned and

WastewaterJacob MaynardAnalyzing the ROI on the Reduction of I & I in a Sanitary Sewer SystemKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 919-2724

Jacob graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of

N/AJimmy JunkinCity of Athens UtilitiesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Jimmy earned his Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from

A case study on how various sanitary sewer improvements have helped reduce Infiltration and Inflow

WastewaterBehnaz Jalili JalaliehStressed out because of your Clarifier's Performance? Try our 5-point planArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(806) 507-0323

Behnaz has a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering from Texas Tech university. She has a

City of LaredoAnnie JiangArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Environmental

A properly operating secondary clarifier in a wastewater treatment plant is essential. Secondary clarifiers have

WastewaterAnnie JiangChanges can be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPsArdurra Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie Jiang graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor's and Master's degree in Environmental

n/aMegan MartinArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(469) 676-8596

Megan Martin, PE holds a Chemical Engineering Degree from University of Texas and brings over

Aeration energy often exceeds half a wastewater plant's power demand. Wastewater modeling simulators are potent

WastewaterJosh BenoitIs polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening.Centrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase

Morrow Water

Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics

WastewaterRusty TateEvaluating Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Alternatives Utilizing Process Modeling SoftwareGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(479) 200-6345

Rusty Tate is a Senior Process Engineer in Garver’s Water Design Center with over 15


Over the past several years, municipal utilities that own and operate wastewater treatment facilities have

WastewaterCarl FrizzellRerating Modification to Increase Reliability and Operability: The Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station Case-StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 660-6340

Dr. Carl Frizzell is a hydraulics expert on various projects throughout the United States. He

N/ARyan KeefeCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1328

Ryan Keefe is a water/wastewater engineer, specializing in hydraulic projects. He has worked in may

When built in the early 1990s, the Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station, located in

WastewaterGeorge GravesGoing Green With Blower TechnologiesKaeser Compressors, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(540) 642-8567

George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National

Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc

Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years.

WastewaterJackson CorleyInnovative Methods for Collection System Model Calibration & DevelopmentJacobs & MAWSSEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(251) 490-3274

Jackson is a water engineer who is experienced in using physics-based models to evaluate hydraulics


Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (MAWSS) owns and operates a collection system network consisting

WastewaterZack DanielThe Push to Class A: Franklin's Implementation of a State-of-the-Art THP Biosolids ProcessCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 332-5893

Zack is a Vice President and Client Services Leader for CDM Smith, Inc. in their


In 2018, construction began on an expansion project at Franklin WRF to increase capacity from

WastewaterCourtney KennedySewer Condition Assessment and Prioritization in a Digital WorldJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(610) 966-2385

Courtney is a water resources engineer and an Engineering Technology Specialist with jacobs with over

N/AKimberly MichaelCity of TuscaloosaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 248-5890

Kimberly is the Executive Director of Water and Sewer for the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

As we continue to progress towards a more digital world, the process of assessing and

WastewaterJeremy CreelTeaching Operators to Pass the Certification TestJefferson CountyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 965-4785

Jeremy Creel is plant manager at the Cahaba River WRF in Jefferson County Alabama and


Tips and Tricks for teaching operators how to pass the ABC certification exams.  After spending

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