Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |
Wastewater | Justin Bell | Saving Your Ponds - Lagoon Upgrades and Enhancements to Meet Future Needs | Triplepoint Environmental | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (910) 340-7005 | Southeast/Eastern Sales Manager - Triplepoint Environmental | Coastal Process, LLC. | The presentation will walk through the different types of lagoon treatment and give a brief … | |||||
Wastewater | Adam Parmenter | Anaerobic Digesters Operations – Tricks and Traps | HDR | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (612) 501-2010 | Adam is a project manager with 20 years of experience on wastewater projects at HDR. … | None | ABSTRACT SUMMARY: Biosolids stabilization through anaerobic digestion requires unique operator knowledge and experience. Through experiences … | |||||
Wastewater | zilan yang | Direct Electrochemical Reduction of Selenite | Auburn University | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (762) 400-2016 | Hi! This is Zilan, I usually go by Z, I'm a second-year PhD student studying … | none | Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) consume 396 million tons of coal each year to generate roughly … | |||||
Wastewater | Gary Lewis | Vacuum Technology Systems for the collection of wastewater | Airvac | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (813) 468-5158 | Airvac, part of the Aqseptence Group is the leading provider of Vacuum Technology Systems (VTS) … | QSM | Vacuum Technology System (VTS). Vacuum technology provides an alternative to traditional gravity systems along with … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | "The Proof is in the Pipe" | Construction Product marketing | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Jimmy Stewart SE Client Manager Construction Product Marketing www.constructionproductmarketing.com Contact Information: Name: Jimmy Stewart Cell: … | Contractor, Supplier, Solution Provider | Title: “The Proof is in the Pipe” An overview of Tools and Technologies for Pressure … | |||||
Water | Michael Knapp | Losing Your Head: A Startup Story | Goodwyn Mills Cawood | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (864) 561-0427 | Michael is a project engineer with Goodwyn Mills Cawood. He has been with GMC 4 … | NA | A utility is under lot of pressure when starting water production for the first time. … | |||||
Both | Jiaxiang Zhao | Electrooxidation Pathway and Kinetics for Aminomethyl Phosphonic Acid (AMPA) Degradation in Diluted Water Matrices | Auburn University | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 329-0648 | Jiaxiang Zhao, a second-year Ph.D. student from Dr. Nick Zou's group at Auburn University, civil … | None | The U.S. agriculture and related industries consume 280 million pounds of glyphosate each year. Most … | |||||
Both | Jeff Knollenberg | Suspended Air® Flotation: Charged microbubbles for enhanced clarification and solids thickening. | heron Innovators | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (270) 315-8777 | Jeff Knollenberg has been providing solutions to process industries for over 30 years. Much of … | The TDH Company | Removal of suspended solids from wastewater has traditionally been performed by clarifiers in municipal settings. … | |||||
Wastewater | Lindsay Boone | PFAS and NPDES Permits with a Dive into EPA 1633 and Organic Fluorine Methods (TOF, AOF, EOF, TF) | PACE | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (910) 262-5098 | Lindsay Boone is a Technical Specialist with PACE Analytical. Her primary focus for the past … | Heather Dennison | The EPA’s Strategic Roadmap for PFAS outlines its intent and steps to pursue research, restrictions, … | |||||
Water | Preston Crowe | Water In the Desert: Summary of a Water Project in Kenya | Global Concern Incorporated | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (601) 918-7175 | Dr. Preston Crowe is the President of Global Concern Incorporated, a Mississippi non-profit working primarily … | Not applicable | Preston Crowe first visited Kargi, Kenya in 2010. His volunteer group worked to serve the … | |||||
Water | Samantha Black | PFAS Treatment and Lessons Learned from a Year-Long Pilot Study | HDR | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (561) 209-6607 | Samantha Black is a Water Treatment Engineer with HDR in West Palm Beach, FL. She … | HDR | Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS … | |||||
Water | Ryan Graham | : Aging Water Mains: To Rehabilitate or Replace? Making a Case for NSF-Certified CIPP Lining to Help Reduce Water Loss and Close the Funding Gap. | Vortex Companies | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (281) 639-3237 | Ryan Graham SVP, Sales Vortex Services As the Senior Vice President of Sales, Ryan oversees … | N/A | The 2021 infrastructure report card, ASCE gives America's 2.2 million miles of drinking water infrastructure … | |||||
Wastewater | Glen Hill | The Sewer Whisperer: "Listen Carefully, Your Sewer is Talking to You" | SmartCover Systems | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (803) 553-9234 | Glen Hill, P.E., is the Southeast Regional Manager for SmartCover Systems, Inc. He is a … | Kazmier & Associates; McIntire Management Group (MMGS) | This presentation reviews how customers can adopt unique and patented monitoring technology, which gives them … | |||||
Both | David Linville | A Holistic Approach to Water Quality Using Less Phosphorus | Aqua Smart Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (470) 727-6433 | -Dave Linville Is the VP General Manager of Aqua Smart Inc, the creator and exclusive … | NA | Limiting corrosion, scale and bacteria are common challenges for drinking water operators. Removing phosphorus is … | |||||
Wastewater | Sean Scuras | BNR to Achieve Very Low Effluent Nitrogen | Garver | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (864) 546-0729 | Sean Scuras is Garver’s National Practice Leader for Wastewater Treatment and an Adjunct Assistant Professor … | Tim Boyne | To reach very low effluent nitrogen levels requires attention to all nitrogen species: ammonium (NH4-N), … | |||||
Water | Caleb Leach | Implementation of GAC Filtration to Remove PFAS in Guin, AL | Krebs Engineering, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 616-6693 | Caleb Leach has worked for Krebs Engineering since 2008 where is an Associate. He lives … | N/A | Guin Water Works and Sewer Board has been facing PFAS contamination for many years from … | |||||
Water | Harry Gong | Mississippi Drinking Water Systems Funding Program Updates | Mississippi State Department of Health | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (601) 573-0002 | 1999 Graduate of the Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at the Bagley College of Engineering … | Harry Gong | Finding funding for Drinking Water Systems Improvements can be a daunting task. The Drinking Water … | |||||
Water | Ashley Pifer | Practical steps for preparing for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and Improvements | Garver | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (479) 527-9100 | Dr. Ashley Pifer is Garver’s Water Quality Practice Leader, and she has a B.S. and … | Garver | The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and future Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) … | |||||
Both | Justin Graham | The Art of Technology Solutions | Thrivence (a Barge Design Solutions Company) | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (615) 252-4386 | Justin is the Director of Technology Solutions at Thrivence, a Barge Design Solutions company. Justin … | NA | To state the obvious, water professionals and the utilities they work for must accomplish a … | |||||
Wastewater | Jillian Maxcy-Brown | Evaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in Alabama | University of Alabama | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (713) 538-0883 | Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department … | N/A | Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting … | |||||
Water | Tom Littlepage | eWater 2.0: The Next Step in Water Use Reporting in Alabama | Alabama Office of Water Resources | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 242-5697 | Mr. Littlepage graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, he … | N/A | The Alabama Office of Water Resources (OWR) was created to provide the ability to monitor … | |||||
Both | Allen Cox | ALLEN COX | Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 790-6705 | Mr. Cox is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in Civil Engineering. … | Regional Director - Region 2 | This talk presents the results of case histories of some of the oldest installations where … | |||||
Both | Steve Wilson | Online Support and Resources for Water & Wastewater Operators | WaterOperator.org at the University of Illinois | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (217) 333-0956 | Steve Wilson is a groundwater hydrologist who has been with the Illinois State Water Survey … | n/a | What if you could go to one website to find free information from more than … | |||||
Both | Jeff Maier | The Future is Here: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessment Technologies | Garver | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (303) 596-0744 | Jeff Maier, P.E. is the national Infrastructure Practice Leader at Garver and is based out … | Garver | Pipeline condition assessment, accurate inspection information and proactive decision making based on this data play … | |||||
Wastewater | Brian Huffman | Protective Coatings for the Wastewater Industry | The Sherwin Williams Company | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (336) 467-5480 | Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company … | Brian Huffman | This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on … | |||||
Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |