Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |
Water | Jonathan Gunn | Leaking it or Giving it Away: Leak Detection vs. Meter Inaccuracy | Johnson Controls Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (585) 233-5014 | Jonathan Gunn serves as a market manager on the Johnson Controls Water Services team and … | NA | It is no secret that both apparent and real losses are issues that every utility … | |||||
Water | Samantha Black | PFAS Treatment and Lessons Learned from a Year-Long Pilot Study | HDR | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (561) 209-6607 | Samantha Black is a Water Treatment Engineer with HDR in West Palm Beach, FL. She … | HDR | Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS … | |||||
Wastewater | George Graves | Going Green With Blower Technologies | Kaeser Compressors, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (540) 642-8567 | George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National … | Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc | Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years. … | |||||
Wastewater | Shiqiang (Nick) Zou | Direct electricity generation from waste heat of wastewater using a thermoelectric generator | Auburn University | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (540) 251-9973 | Dr. Shiqiang (Nick) Zou is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental … | None | Thermal energy represents a significant portion of energy potential in municipal wastewater and may be … | |||||
Wastewater | Silvana Alfieri | Smart, Low-Cost Wastewater Monitoring Solutions | Fluid Conservation Systems | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (513) 781-6173 | Silvana Alfieri is the US Wastewater Sales Manager for FCS, working to assist utilities and … | N/A - looking for one now | I+I is an extremely pressing problem that can overwhelm systems and often the exact source … | |||||
Both | David Pritchard | High Accuracy Asset Data Collection and Mapping of your Water and Wastewater Utilities | Texian Geospatial & Asset Solutions, LLC. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (512) 423-4249 | David is the owner and Principal at Texian Geospatial & Asset Solutions in San Marcos, … | David Pritchard | There is no more important time than now to feel secure in knowing that you … | |||||
Both | Jake Mattix | Guiding you on your Digital Journey to implement a secure SCADA system | RED Group | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (504) 729-5086 | David Bacqué is the Director of Cybersecurity Consulting and Vice President of Strategic Development for … | QSM | SCADA save time and lower operating costs by having crews respond to known issues via … | |||||
Water | Ashley Pifer | Practical steps for preparing for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and Improvements | Garver | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (479) 527-9100 | Dr. Ashley Pifer is Garver’s Water Quality Practice Leader, and she has a B.S. and … | Garver | The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and future Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) … | |||||
Wastewater | Rusty Tate | Evaluating Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Alternatives Utilizing Process Modeling Software | Garver | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (479) 200-6345 | Rusty Tate is a Senior Process Engineer in Garver’s Water Design Center with over 15 … | Garver | Over the past several years, municipal utilities that own and operate wastewater treatment facilities have … | |||||
Both | David Linville | A Holistic Approach to Water Quality Using Less Phosphorus | Aqua Smart Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (470) 727-6433 | -Dave Linville Is the VP General Manager of Aqua Smart Inc, the creator and exclusive … | NA | Limiting corrosion, scale and bacteria are common challenges for drinking water operators. Removing phosphorus is … | |||||
Both | Dean Ford | SCADA: Your Most Critical Asset | Luminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and Engineering | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (443) 876-5217 | Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the … | We are local | This discussion will demonstrate the hidden values of your SCADA system and ways to unlock … | |||||
Both | Dean Ford | A Journey to OT-IT Convergence – Part 1: Defining the Need | Luminary Automation, Cybersecurity, and Engineering | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (443) 876-5217 | Dean’s 25+ yr career has involved automation systems engineering and consulting. He serves as the … | we are local | Trey Finch, PO | Birmingham Water Works Board | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 244-4438 | Trey Finch is the SCADA Analyst for the entire control system. He is responsible for … | This presentation is the first in a multiyear journey for a water utility in Alabama. … |
Wastewater | Fred Kade | Aerobic Digestion: old challenge, new innovative solution!! A new approach to Aerobic Digestion to enhance nutrient removal and reduce energy usage by over 70% in comparison with conventional designs. | EnviroMix | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (414) 949-6391 | Mr. Kade has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Environmental … | The TDH Company | Traditional aerobic digestion uses diffused aeration to both deliver oxygen and mix; a seemingly simple … | |||||
Wastewater | Fred Kade | 2022 WEF Innovative Technology Award winner: Energy Efficient Enhanced Anaerobic Fermentation for Biological Phosphorus Removal | EnviroMix | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (414) 949-6391 | Mr. Kade has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental … | The TDH Company | To avoid costly carbon addition, facilities with insufficient influent VFAs that need an effective biological … | |||||
Wastewater | Carl Frizzell | Rerating Modification to Increase Reliability and Operability: The Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station Case-Study | CDM Smith | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 660-6340 | Dr. Carl Frizzell is a hydraulics expert on various projects throughout the United States. He … | N/A | Ryan Keefe | CDM Smith | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (404) 720-1328 | Ryan Keefe is a water/wastewater engineer, specializing in hydraulic projects. He has worked in may … | When built in the early 1990s, the Cahaba River WRF Influent Pump Station, located in … |
Water | Patrick Williamson | Enhance The Customer Experience Via Online Tools | Badger Meter | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 627-9059 | Patrick Williamson, PMP, MBA Badger Meter Solution Architect Patrick Williamson is a Solution Architect for … | Central Pipe | High volume of customer complaints over billing disputes? High number of field investigations related to … | |||||
Both | Jeff Bergman | The ABC's of VFDs | ABB | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 416-8735 | Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the … | Birmingham, AL | Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and … | |||||
Both | Jeff Bergman | Basic VFD Troubleshooitng | ABB | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 416-8735 | Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the … | Birmingham | Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover … | |||||
Wastewater | Kaitlin Allen | Solving Transient and Pipe Vibration Problems for Wastewater Lift Stations: A Case Study of the Al Seier Pump Station | CDM Smith | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (404) 720-1342 | Kaitlin Allen is an environmental engineer working with CDM Smith. She specializes in wastewater treatment … | N/A | The Al Seier Pump Station is an essential component of the wastewater system owned and … | |||||
Wastewater | Bernard Pettiford | Cahaba WRF Electrical System Sustainability/Redundancy Improvements – A Case Study | CDM Smith | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (404) 720-1265 | Mr. Pettiford has been in the Environmental Engineering field in one way shape of form … | N/A | CDM Smith performed an Arc Flash Study Report at the Cahaba Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) … | |||||
Both | Brian Huffman | Coatings for Concrete Water/Wastewater Tanks | The Sherwin Williams Company | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (336) 467-5480 | Brian has worked in the Protective Coatings Industry for 31 years with The Sherwin Williams … | Brian Huffman | The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the history of coatings and linings for … | |||||
Wastewater | Brian Huffman | Protective Coatings for the Wastewater Industry | The Sherwin Williams Company | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (336) 467-5480 | Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company … | Brian Huffman | This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | "The Proof is in the Pipe" | Construction Product marketing | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Jimmy Stewart SE Client Manager Construction Product Marketing www.constructionproductmarketing.com Contact Information: Name: Jimmy Stewart Cell: … | Contractor, Supplier, Solution Provider | Title: “The Proof is in the Pipe” An overview of Tools and Technologies for Pressure … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | Rehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Industry Experience Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. … | CPM Pipelines | Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | Rehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. Jimmy has … | N/A | Chris MacDonald | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (480) 206-2309 | Mr. MacDonald has almost 25 years of experience providing specification and design support for consultants … | Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of … |
Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |