Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |
Wastewater | George Graves | Going Green With Blower Technologies | Kaeser Compressors, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (540) 642-8567 | George Graves is a District Manager at Kaeser Compressors’ working in conjunction with their National … | Coastal Process LLC / Jim House & Associates Inc | Join me in this comprehensive look at how blower technologies have improved over the years. … | |||||
Wastewater | Glen Hill | The Sewer Whisperer: "Listen Carefully, Your Sewer is Talking to You" | SmartCover Systems | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (803) 553-9234 | Glen Hill, P.E., is the Southeast Regional Manager for SmartCover Systems, Inc. He is a … | Kazmier & Associates; McIntire Management Group (MMGS) | This presentation reviews how customers can adopt unique and patented monitoring technology, which gives them … | |||||
Water | Harry Gong | Mississippi Drinking Water Systems Funding Program Updates | Mississippi State Department of Health | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (601) 573-0002 | 1999 Graduate of the Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at the Bagley College of Engineering … | Harry Gong | Finding funding for Drinking Water Systems Improvements can be a daunting task. The Drinking Water … | |||||
Water | Heath Hardy | Decisions, Decisions: An asset management approach to determining assessment and renewal methods for water mains | HDR, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (850) 429-8925 | Heath is a Florida native currently living in Pensacola and graduated from the University of … | N/A | According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), there are more than a … | |||||
Wastewater | Harry McCaskill | Hybrid Sand Filter Treatment | University of South Alabama | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (251) 599-5509 | My name is Harry McCaskill IV. I am a graduate student under the mentorship of … | University of South Alabama | I would like to present treatment data on hybrid sand filter models. Two models have … | |||||
Both | Imad Aleithawe | Introduction to Stormwater Management | Waggoner Engineering Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (601) 914-6377 | Imad joined Waggoner Engineering in 2018 as Senior Project Engineer and currently serves as a … | NA | Construction sites can be a source of sediment and other pollutants to waterways. Best management … | |||||
Wastewater | Jackson Corley | Innovative Methods for Collection System Model Calibration & Development | Jacobs & MAWSS | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (251) 490-3274 | Jackson is a water engineer who is experienced in using physics-based models to evaluate hydraulics … | NA | Mobile Area Water and Sewer System (MAWSS) owns and operates a collection system network consisting … | |||||
Wastewater | Jacob Maynard | Analyzing the ROI on the Reduction of I & I in a Sanitary Sewer System | Krebs Engineering, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 919-2724 | Jacob graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of … | N/A | Jimmy Junkin | City of Athens Utilities | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | Jimmy earned his Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from … | A case study on how various sanitary sewer improvements have helped reduce Infiltration and Inflow … | |
Both | Andrew Green | Real World Consequences of SCADA System Cyber-Security | Trihedral, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 224-3977 | Andrew Green has been working in the water and wastewater industries for 7 years as … | N/A | Cyber-security breaches of computer systems are becoming more and more common. SCADA systems pose a … | |||||
Water | Jason Dearing | Update on Working Around a Leaning Elevated Water Tank | Krebs Engineering, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 987-7411 | Engineering Consultant | Laura Koon | Alabaster Water Board | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 663-6155 | A case study on the steps the Alabaster Water Board took to provide water service … | ||
Both | James Ballintine | Large Diameter Gate Valves | American Cast Iron Pipe Company | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 999-9615 | James "Jim" Ballintine is currently a Territory Manager with American Cast Iron Pipe Company covering … | American Flow Control / American SpiralWeld Steel Pipe / American Ductile Iron Pipe | Mitch Mathias | American Flow Control | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 873-4181 | Mitch Mathias is a Sales Representative for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. He began his … | Large Diameter Gate Valves AMERICAN Flow Control will be presenting on the history and benefits … |
Both | Josh Benoit | Key Design Consideration for Installing Decanter Centrifuges | Centrisys/CNP | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (262) 220-2042 | As the Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities … | Morrow Water | Decanter centrifuges are a well-established technology for sludge dewatering and thickening in the wastewater treatment … | |||||
Wastewater | Josh Benoit | Is polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening. | Centrisys/CNP | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (262) 220-2042 | As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase … | Morrow Water | Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics … | |||||
Both | Jacob Bonds | Laser Scanning – How can this next generation technology be used effectively to update your infrastructure asset management and mapping tools? | Schoel | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (205) 313-1137 | Registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in five southeastern states, Joke Bonds currently serves as … | Schoel - Birmingham Office | Christine Robinson | Schoel | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (256) 539-1221 | Christi Robinson is a registered Professional Engineer in Alabama and Mississippi with over 25 years … | Lack of as-built information for existing facilities is common, and the many challenges and uncertainties … |
Both | Jeff Bergman | The ABC's of VFDs | ABB | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 416-8735 | Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the … | Birmingham, AL | Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and … | |||||
Both | Jeff Bergman | Basic VFD Troubleshooitng | ABB | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (407) 416-8735 | Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the … | Birmingham | Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover … | |||||
Both | Jeff Knollenberg | Suspended Air® Flotation: Charged microbubbles for enhanced clarification and solids thickening. | heron Innovators | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (270) 315-8777 | Jeff Knollenberg has been providing solutions to process industries for over 30 years. Much of … | The TDH Company | Removal of suspended solids from wastewater has traditionally been performed by clarifiers in municipal settings. … | |||||
Both | jeremy sukola | Today vs. Tomorrow: Corrosion Control in a Changing Regulatory Environment | Carboline Global, Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (678) 421-8076 | Spanning 25 years in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry, Mr. Sukola currently serves … | Matt Williams | This presentation will focus on the impact health and environmental regulatory changes can have on … | |||||
Water | Jonathan Clayton | Life Cycle Analysis of a Water Distribution System to Evaluate Aging Effects on Optimal Pipe Replacement Frequency | University of Alabama | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (812) 603-1348 | Jonathan Clayton is a PhD student at the University of Alabama studying the effects of … | University of Alabama | Life Cycle Analysis of a Water Distribution System to Evaluate Aging Effects on Optimal Pipe … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | "The Proof is in the Pipe" | Construction Product marketing | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Jimmy Stewart SE Client Manager Construction Product Marketing www.constructionproductmarketing.com Contact Information: Name: Jimmy Stewart Cell: … | Contractor, Supplier, Solution Provider | Title: “The Proof is in the Pipe” An overview of Tools and Technologies for Pressure … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | Rehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Industry Experience Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. … | CPM Pipelines | Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of … | |||||
Both | Jimmy Stewart | Rehabilitating Pressure Pipe with Complex Geometry: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (334) 750-3208 | Jimmy has 25 years’ experience working in over 30 consent order driven cities. Jimmy has … | N/A | Chris MacDonald | CPM Pipelines | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (480) 206-2309 | Mr. MacDonald has almost 25 years of experience providing specification and design support for consultants … | Rehabilitating infrastructure in the water and wastewater space has become commonplace for a multitude of … |
Both | Jake Mattix | Guiding you on your Digital Journey to implement a secure SCADA system | RED Group | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (504) 729-5086 | David Bacqué is the Director of Cybersecurity Consulting and Vice President of Strategic Development for … | QSM | SCADA save time and lower operating costs by having crews respond to known issues via … | |||||
Wastewater | Jillian Maxcy-Brown | Evaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in Alabama | University of Alabama | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (713) 538-0883 | Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department … | N/A | Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting … | |||||
Water | Jonathan Gunn | Leaking it or Giving it Away: Leak Detection vs. Meter Inaccuracy | Johnson Controls Inc. | Email hidden; Javascript is required. | (585) 233-5014 | Jonathan Gunn serves as a market manager on the Johnson Controls Water Services team and … | NA | It is no secret that both apparent and real losses are issues that every utility … | |||||
Type | Speaker 1 | Title | Speaker 1 Org | Speaker 1 Email | Speaker 1 Phone | Speaker 1 Bio | Speaker 1 Rep | Speaker 2 | Speaker 2 Org | Speaker 2 Email | Speaker 2 Phone | Speaker 2 Bio | Abstract Text |