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WaterMichael KnappLosing Your Head: A Startup StoryGoodwyn Mills CawoodEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(864) 561-0427

Michael is a project engineer with Goodwyn Mills Cawood. He has been with GMC 4


A utility is under lot of pressure when starting water production for the first time.

WastewaterAdam ParmenterAnaerobic Digesters Operations – Tricks and TrapsHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(612) 501-2010

Adam is a project manager with 20 years of experience on wastewater projects at HDR.


ABSTRACT SUMMARY: Biosolids stabilization through anaerobic digestion requires unique operator knowledge and experience. Through experiences

WaterHeath HardyDecisions, Decisions: An asset management approach to determining assessment and renewal methods for water mainsHDR, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 429-8925

Heath is a Florida native currently living in Pensacola and graduated from the University of


According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), there are more than a

WastewaterAnnie JiangChanges can be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPsArdurra Group, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 359-0559

Annie Jiang graduated from Colorado School of Mines with Bachelor's and Master's degree in Environmental

n/aMegan MartinArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(469) 676-8596

Megan Martin, PE holds a Chemical Engineering Degree from University of Texas and brings over

Aeration energy often exceeds half a wastewater plant's power demand. Wastewater modeling simulators are potent

WastewaterScott JerniganInfiltration Wetlands for Effluent ManagementJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 266-3975

Scott Jernigan is a Senior Project Manager with Jacobs in the Pensacola Office. He has


As effluent disposal regulations become more stringent, new effluent management alternatives must be identified to

BothKlein MatthewThe Future of Water: The Benefits of Strategic ForesightWaggoner Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(317) 590-6797

Dr. Matthew Klein is a Vice President and Chief of Foresight & Strategy with Waggoner

Waggoner Engineering, Inc.

As one leader stated, "If you don't like change, you'll like irrelevance even less."  Water

WastewaterCourtney KennedySewer Condition Assessment and Prioritization in a Digital WorldJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(610) 966-2385

Courtney is a water resources engineer and an Engineering Technology Specialist with jacobs with over

N/AKimberly MichaelCity of TuscaloosaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 248-5890

Kimberly is the Executive Director of Water and Sewer for the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

As we continue to progress towards a more digital world, the process of assessing and

WaterLouis AntosEvolving Capabilities of Automatic Control ValvesCla-Val CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 215-3196

Louis has lived in the Dallas area for the past 35 years and is a

Jim House & Associates

Automatic control valves do so much more than when they were first introduced to the

WastewaterBernard PettifordCahaba WRF Electrical System Sustainability/Redundancy Improvements – A Case StudyCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(404) 720-1265

Mr. Pettiford has been in the Environmental Engineering field in one way shape of form


CDM Smith performed an Arc Flash Study Report at the Cahaba Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)

WastewaterKristy ChycotaInoovative Applications for Pile Cloth Media FiltrationAqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(815) 721-4485

Kristy Chycota is a process engineer in the filtration product management team at Aqua-Aerobic systems.

Cahaba Water Solutions

Cloth media filtration has been used for wastewater tertiary treatment for nearly 30 years in

WaterStephen DalyStephen DalyHACHEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 708-2271

Stephen has 25 years of experience in process engineering for industrial and municipal water systems.

HachKathryn GrimballHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(985) 317-7967

Kathryn is currently the North American Supervisor for the Claros application development management team. Kathryn

Coagulation and flocculation are an essential part of drinking water treatment since all waters, especially

Wastewaterzilan yangDirect Electrochemical Reduction of SeleniteAuburn UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(762) 400-2016

Hi! This is Zilan, I usually go by Z, I'm a second-year PhD student studying


Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) consume 396 million tons of coal each year to generate roughly

WaterFrank EskridgeDeployment of the Nation's Largest Cellular AMI/Meter Replacement ProjectColumbia WaterEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(846) 926-0434

Frank has spent his entire career in the water utility business at a number for

N/AJosh BramanJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(216) 214-3689

Josh Braman is a engineer with Jacobs and serves as the company's Implementation Lead for

Columbia Water serves customers located inside the city limits, major portions of Richland County, portions

BothImad AleithaweIntroduction to Stormwater ManagementWaggoner Engineering Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(601) 914-6377

Imad joined Waggoner Engineering in 2018 as Senior Project Engineer and currently serves as a


Construction sites can be a source of sediment and other pollutants to waterways. Best management

BothAndrew GreenReal World Consequences of SCADA System Cyber-SecurityTrihedral, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 224-3977

Andrew Green has been working in the water and wastewater industries for 7 years as


Cyber-security breaches of computer systems are becoming more and more common. SCADA systems pose a

BothJosh BenoitKey Design Consideration for Installing Decanter CentrifugesCentrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As the Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities

Morrow Water

Decanter centrifuges are a well-established technology for sludge dewatering and thickening in the wastewater treatment

WastewaterAmal BakchanImpacts of Socio-technical Barriers on the Operation and Maintenance of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems: The Case of Rural Alabama’s Black BeltThe University of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(832) 606-9760

Amal Bakchan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering


Due to extreme (non-perc) soil conditions, the rural Alabama’s Black Belt region is characterized as

BothClifford BrandonDigital Transformation: A Practical GuideTrinnexEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(303) 601-0648

Clifford Brandon is a Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) with 40+ years of hands-on experience

Rajan Ray

Ever wondered about digital transformation and how it applies to your organization? Is it only

BothTanya GallagherFunding Opportunities for Improving Water and Wastewater SystemsJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 525-5941

Tanya Gallagher has over 15 years of experience in geospatial analysis and environmental resilience planning.


Every year hundreds of millions of dollars of state and federal grant funding are made

WaterYue SunExpanding an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant with a Cohesive Project DeliveryArdurraEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 208-9463

Yue has 25 years of experience focused on drinking water/wastewater facility design, treatment process selection,

Not applicable

Experiencing rapid population growth, a Texas water utility is expanding its  surface water treatment plant

WaterHarry GongMississippi Drinking Water Systems Funding Program UpdatesMississippi State Department of HealthEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(601) 573-0002

1999 Graduate of the Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at the Bagley College of Engineering

Harry Gong

Finding funding for Drinking Water Systems Improvements can be a daunting task. The Drinking Water

BothEric DoleLeveraging Energy Management Principles to Enhance Asset Management Programs…with a touch of Pump System Optimization Solutions (SOS)GarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-0186

Eric is a senior project manager at Garver where he serves as the Water and

Wes Cardwell

For years, traditional asset management utilizes ASHRAE Level 1 audits where a visual assessment of

BothChad AndrewsWhat is Fusible PVC?Underground SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(229) 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

Fusible PVC pipe was developed in the early 2000s followed by significant growth in the

BothEric DoleHow a $200 Air Release Valve Postponed a $2,500,000 Booster Pump Station Project by Years – A Valuable Lesson in Air-LockingGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(602) 881-0186

Eric is a senior project manager at Garver where he serves as the Water and

Wes Cardwell

Garver was selected to perform Widefield Water and Sanitation District’s (WWSD) Integrated Water and Wastewater

WaterCaleb LeachImplementation of GAC Filtration to Remove PFAS in Guin, ALKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 616-6693

Caleb Leach has worked for Krebs Engineering since 2008 where is an Associate. He lives


Guin Water Works and Sewer Board has been facing PFAS contamination for many years from

 Type Speaker 1 Title Speaker 1 Org  Speaker 1 Email Speaker 1 Phone Speaker 1 Bio Speaker 1 Rep Speaker 2 Speaker 2 Org Speaker 2 Email Speaker 2 Phone Speaker 2 Bio Abstract Text