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WastewaterRusty TateEvaluating Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Alternatives Utilizing Process Modeling SoftwareGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(479) 200-6345

Rusty Tate is a Senior Process Engineer in Garver’s Water Design Center with over 15


Over the past several years, municipal utilities that own and operate wastewater treatment facilities have

WaterStephen DalyStephen DalyHACHEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 708-2271

Stephen has 25 years of experience in process engineering for industrial and municipal water systems.

HachKathryn GrimballHachEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(985) 317-7967

Kathryn is currently the North American Supervisor for the Claros application development management team. Kathryn

Coagulation and flocculation are an essential part of drinking water treatment since all waters, especially

WaterHarry GongMississippi Drinking Water Systems Funding Program UpdatesMississippi State Department of HealthEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(601) 573-0002

1999 Graduate of the Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at the Bagley College of Engineering

Harry Gong

Finding funding for Drinking Water Systems Improvements can be a daunting task. The Drinking Water

WaterSamantha BlackPFAS Treatment and Lessons Learned from a Year-Long Pilot StudyHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(561) 209-6607

Samantha Black is a Water Treatment Engineer with HDR in West Palm Beach, FL. She


Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are compounds of emerging concern in the water industry. PFAS

WaterNick LulliAWWA Lead Communications Guide and Toolkit: An Opportunity to Strengthen Trust in Your CommunityHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(305) 753-3979

Nick Lulli is a celebrated communications professional who has worked on some of Florida’s most

HDRTrinity OteroHDREmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 420-4061

Hi, I'm Trinity Otero and I can't stop creating. My happy place is right in

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) on

WastewaterLindsay BoonePFAS and NPDES Permits with a Dive into EPA 1633 and Organic Fluorine Methods (TOF, AOF, EOF, TF)PACEEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(910) 262-5098

Lindsay Boone is a Technical Specialist with PACE Analytical. Her primary focus for the past

Heather Dennison

The EPA’s Strategic Roadmap for PFAS outlines its intent and steps to pursue research, restrictions,

BothTanya GallagherFunding Opportunities for Improving Water and Wastewater SystemsJacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(850) 525-5941

Tanya Gallagher has over 15 years of experience in geospatial analysis and environmental resilience planning.


Every year hundreds of millions of dollars of state and federal grant funding are made

WastewaterDaniel WhiteUpdate to How to Build a Vertical Asset Management Program for WRFsJefferson County ESDEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 281-8931Jefferson County Environmental Services

Looking to streamline its operations and reduce maintenance costs, the Jefferson County Environmental Services Department

WaterLouis AntosEvolving Capabilities of Automatic Control ValvesCla-Val CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(214) 215-3196

Louis has lived in the Dallas area for the past 35 years and is a

Jim House & Associates

Automatic control valves do so much more than when they were first introduced to the

WastewaterGlen HillThe Sewer Whisperer: "Listen Carefully, Your Sewer is Talking to You"SmartCover SystemsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(803) 553-9234

Glen Hill, P.E., is the Southeast Regional Manager for SmartCover Systems, Inc. He is a

Kazmier & Associates; McIntire Management Group (MMGS)

This presentation reviews how customers can adopt unique and patented monitoring technology, which gives them

BothStephanie SchrammDeveloping solutions for effective and optimized odor and corrosion mitigation in collection systemsJacobs Engineering GroupEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(708) 359-4402

Stephanie is a wastewater process engineer with Jacobs Engineering with a focus on collection system

Luke LanierGabrielle SinskyJefferson County Environmental Services DepartmentEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 568-5710

Gabrielle is a civil engineer in Jefferson County's Environmental Services Department. She is a 2018

Odor mitigation to prevent neighborhood complaints is a challenge in collection systems. Most odors in

Bothjeremy sukolaToday vs. Tomorrow: Corrosion Control in a Changing Regulatory EnvironmentCarboline Global, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 421-8076

Spanning 25 years in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry, Mr. Sukola currently serves

Matt Williams

This presentation will focus on the impact health and environmental regulatory changes can have on

BothJosh BenoitKey Design Consideration for Installing Decanter CentrifugesCentrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As the Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities

Morrow Water

Decanter centrifuges are a well-established technology for sludge dewatering and thickening in the wastewater treatment

WastewaterJosh BenoitIs polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening.Centrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase

Morrow Water

Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics

WastewaterAmal BakchanImpacts of Socio-technical Barriers on the Operation and Maintenance of Decentralized Clustered Wastewater Systems: The Case of Rural Alabama’s Black BeltThe University of South AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(832) 606-9760

Amal Bakchan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Civil, Coastal, and Environmental Engineering


Due to extreme (non-perc) soil conditions, the rural Alabama’s Black Belt region is characterized as

WaterW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Benefits of Comprehensive Leak DetectionWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


The Value of Comprehensive Leak Detection: An Innovative approach to Reducing Real Water Loss  This

BothW. Bradford GreshamEvaluating the Importance of ARV InspectionsWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies, Ltd., Xylem, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Title:   The Importance of Air Release Valve (ARV) Inspections   Description:   Overview and

WaterW. Bradford GreshamIntegrating Valve Inspections with Pipeline InspectionsWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Integrating Valve Inspections with Pipeline Inspections   Pipeline condition assessments continue to gain in popularity

WaterW. Bradford GreshamBest Practices of Unidirectional FlushingWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Best Practices of Unidirectional Flushing (UDF): Improve Water Quality and Reduce Customer Complaints    

WaterW. Bradford GreshamAsset Management and Reducing the Consequence of Failure, Repair v. ReplaceWachs Water Services, Pure Technologies Ltd., Xylem Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 340-6850

Brad Gresham, a graduate of Emory University, is the South Region Business Development Director for


Valve Assessment and Renewal Averts Critical Asset Failure Reducing the consequence of failure while improving

WastewaterSuzan Chin-TaylorThe Answer to Sustainable, Effective Wastewater Treatment Is Under Our FeetCreative RavenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(760) 217-8010

Suzan Chin-Taylor, MSc is an international entrepreneur, published author, course creator and keynote speaker. Her

N/AJ. Rodney Dickerson, PEEnBiorganic TechnologiesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.

Mr. J. Rodney Dickerson graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a Bachelor of Science Degree

The wastewater industry as a whole has now been given an opportunity to take another

BothLuke BurrisMission Critical: Water and Sewer Service for Hyperscale Data CentersBarge Design SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 252-4371

Luke Burris is a professional engineer with over 10 years of experience at Barge Design


Our world is becoming increasingly connected by technology and more and more facilities are being

WaterRyan Graham: Aging Water Mains: To Rehabilitate or Replace? Making a Case for NSF-Certified CIPP Lining to Help Reduce Water Loss and Close the Funding Gap.Vortex CompaniesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(281) 639-3237

Ryan Graham SVP, Sales Vortex Services As the Senior Vice President of Sales, Ryan oversees


The 2021 infrastructure report card, ASCE gives America's 2.2 million miles of drinking water infrastructure

WaterCaleb LeachImplementation of GAC Filtration to Remove PFAS in Guin, ALKrebs Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 616-6693

Caleb Leach has worked for Krebs Engineering since 2008 where is an Associate. He lives


Guin Water Works and Sewer Board has been facing PFAS contamination for many years from

WastewaterJillian Maxcy-BrownEvaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in AlabamaUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 538-0883

Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department


Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting

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