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WastewaterWes CardwellAnd we’re off! – Hitting the Ground Running for the Western Area WWTP ExpansionGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 483-0384

Wes currently serves as Alabama Water Team Leader for Garver. He brings a passion for

GarverMatt ReynoldsCity of Huntsville Water Pollution ControlEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 883-3719

Matt Reynolds currently serves as Operations Superintendent for the City of Huntsville Water Pollution Control

With over 215,000 residents in the Huntsville City limits and almost 500,000 in the metro

WastewaterMark HickokMark HickokDuperon CorporationEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(989) 412-0289

Mark Hickok earned a BSE Environmental Engineering from Southern Illinois University. He has over 15+

TDH Company

With many wastewater collection systems dating back 100 years – with most more than 50

WaterScott GriecoTreatment strategies for PFAS: Are there advantages to Incorporating Dual Adsorbents?JacobsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(315) 247-8710

Dr. Grieco is the Global Technology Leader for Emerging Contaminants with Jacobs Drinking Water &


With federal MCLs for PFAS imminent and UCMR5 sampling upcoming, evaluation and planning for PFAS

BothJayson BrennenEnhancing Your GIS and Technology Environment to Support Next-Level Utility Asset ManagementCDM SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(603) 222-8323

Mr. Brennen has 30 years of experience implementing GIS and asset management solutions for utilities

CDM Smith

With an increased emphasis of the utilization of web, mobile, dashboard, and virtual reality technology

BothAndrew DixonMaking a Splash with Digital Water!Kimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Andrew brings eight years of civil engineering and project management experience for the design and

N/ATimothy ChouKimley-HornEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 558-5789

Timothy is a 10 year water utility professional with hands-on, in-depth engineering and operational experience

With aging infrastructure and inadequate funding resources, many utilities have begun their journey towards a

BothDavid BurtonThe Importance of Capital Planning and the Role Asset Management PlaysWaggoner Engineering, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 789-5362

David Burton is the Alabama Area Manager for Waggoner Engineering, inc., a multi-discipline engineering firm


While water and wastewater utilities confront some of the most significant technical challenges in a

BothBruce StevensSparks Fly when Ozone and UV disifnecting - Using Electricity to break up nasty chemistryVeolia Water Technologies & SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 707-6957

Bruce attained a BS in Chem Engg from Northeastern University in Boston MA many moons

EshelmanWilliam NezgodVWT+S (formerly SUEZ)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 557-2789

Bill has had over 30 years of experience working with Ozone generation and mixing systems

While some water treatment systems are familiar with the use of Ozone, most WRFs do

BothSteve WilsonOnline Support and Resources for Water & Wastewater at the University of IllinoisEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(217) 333-0956

Steve Wilson is a groundwater hydrologist who has been with the Illinois State Water Survey


What if you could go to one website to find free information from more than

WastewaterJillian Maxcy-BrownEvaluating Wastewater Affordability Among Users of Sewer Systems and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in AlabamaUniversity of AlabamaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(713) 538-0883

Jillian Maxcy-Brown is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department


Wastewater affordability has become a pressing concern in the U.S. as the cost of collecting

WastewaterJosh BenoitIs polymer a problem? New selection criteria for sludge thickening.Centrisys/CNPEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(262) 220-2042

As Centrisys/CNP Regional Sales Manager, Josh Benoit covers the southeastern states to help municipalities increase

Morrow Water

Waste Activated Sludge mostly consists of bacterial biomass and due to its poor compaction characteristics

BothJeff BergmanThe ABC's of VFDsABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the

Birmingham, AL

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in municipal systems and the value they provide and

BothJeff BergmanBasic VFD TroubleshooitngABBEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(407) 416-8735

Jeff Bergman has enjoyed a lengthy career as a drives and controls expert in the


Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in most municipal water systems. This presentation will cover

WastewaterGary LewisVacuum Technology Systems for the collection of wastewaterAirvacEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(813) 468-5158

Airvac, part of the Aqseptence Group is the leading provider of Vacuum Technology Systems (VTS)


Vacuum Technology System (VTS). Vacuum technology provides an alternative to traditional gravity systems along with

BothChristine RobinsonSpec Check – Are your utility’s construction standards keeping up with the times?SchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Christi Robinson is a Senior Project Manager for Schoel and a registered Professional Engineer in

Schoel - Huntsville OfficeAbigail ChristopherSchoelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(256) 539-1221

Abby Christopher is a staff engineer at Schoel in the Huntsville office. With a Civil

Utility managers, engineers and operations superintendents are busy people, usually working hard to meet the

BothShawn DuboisEnzymatic Methods for Testing for Total Coliforms and E. coli in Various WatersIDEXX LaboratoriesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(207) 556-4110

Shawn is a senior scientist with IDEXX Laboratories. He has been a part of the


Utilities and private laboratories test for a variety of bacteria in water including total coliforms

WastewaterCaleb WilsonA Flood of Data: Stormwater Management Practices and Evolution of Storm CharacteristicsGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 298-9249

Caleb Wilson, EI is a water resources engineering intern serving Gresham Smith’s Water and Environment

NACameron TraylorGresham SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 518-3675

Cameron Traylor, P.E. is a water resources engineer, versed in civil design on both “inside

Urban stormwater management is a balancing act between our desire to shape the local environment

BothChad AndrewsChad AndrewsUnderground SolutionsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(229) 378-0315

Chad Andrews is a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida holding a B.S. and

Underground Solutions

Two primary trenchless methods for installing utilities under interstates include jack and bore and horizontal

WastewaterFred KadeAerobic Digestion: old challenge, new innovative solution!! A new approach to Aerobic Digestion to enhance nutrient removal and reduce energy usage by over 70% in comparison with conventional designs.EnviroMixEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(414) 949-6391

Mr. Kade has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Environmental

The TDH Company

Traditional aerobic digestion uses diffused aeration to both deliver oxygen and mix; a seemingly simple

BothJustin GrahamThe Art of Technology SolutionsThrivence (a Barge Design Solutions Company)Email hidden; Javascript is required.(615) 252-4386

Justin is the Director of Technology Solutions at Thrivence, a Barge Design Solutions company. Justin


To state the obvious, water professionals and the utilities they work for must accomplish a

WastewaterSean ScurasBNR to Achieve Very Low Effluent NitrogenGarverEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(864) 546-0729

Sean Scuras is Garver’s National Practice Leader for Wastewater Treatment and an Adjunct Assistant Professor

Tim Boyne

To reach very low effluent nitrogen levels requires attention to all nitrogen species:  ammonium (NH4-N),

WastewaterFred Kade2022 WEF Innovative Technology Award winner: Energy Efficient Enhanced Anaerobic Fermentation for Biological Phosphorus RemovalEnviroMixEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(414) 949-6391

Mr. Kade has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental

The TDH Company

To avoid costly carbon addition, facilities with insufficient influent VFAs that need an effective biological

WastewaterJeremy CreelTeaching Operators to Pass the Certification TestJefferson CountyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 965-4785

Jeremy Creel is plant manager at the Cahaba River WRF in Jefferson County Alabama and


Tips and Tricks for teaching operators how to pass the ABC certification exams.  After spending

BothAllen CoxALLEN COXDuctile Iron Pipe Research AssociationEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(205) 790-6705

Mr. Cox is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in Civil Engineering.

Regional Director - Region 2

This talk presents the results of case histories of some of the oldest installations where

Bothjeremy sukolaToday vs. Tomorrow: Corrosion Control in a Changing Regulatory EnvironmentCarboline Global, Inc.Email hidden; Javascript is required.(678) 421-8076

Spanning 25 years in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry, Mr. Sukola currently serves

Matt Williams

This presentation will focus on the impact health and environmental regulatory changes can have on

WastewaterBrian HuffmanProtective Coatings for the Wastewater IndustryThe Sherwin Williams CompanyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(336) 467-5480

Brian has worked in the coatings industry for 31 years with the Sherwin Williams Company

Brian Huffman

This presentation will discuss the environment and the substrates that a wastewater facility endures on

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